Day of Russian Science
180 years since the formation of the Russian Geographical Society
80th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
External stands of the Russian House in Brussels
The exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society “Vavilov. Scientist who dreamed of feeding the whole world” is dedicated to the famous Russian geneticist and botanist, President of the Russian Geographical Society (1931-1940), Head of the Institute of Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1930-1940) Nikolai Vavilov. Throughout his career Vavilov made 180 expeditions and trips, visited 65 countries on five continents (with the exception of Antarctica). Vavilov’s efforts resulted in numerous scientific papers and an invaluable collection of cultivated plants.
The exhibition includes photographs from Vavilov’s expeditions from the funds of the Scientific Archive of the Russian Geographical Society, travel routes and documents related to the scientific and professional activities of the prominent scientist.
Language: Russian/English