For children aged 4-6
Course “Learning to Read”. Step 1
For children aged 4-6 who are just getting acquainted with letters and/or know the letters and are just starting to form syllables.
When: Saturdays at 10:15
Duration: 45 minutes
The classes are held in small groups of 6 or more.
Dans les cours, les enfants partiront à la découverte du monde des lettres. Dès les premières leçons, les enfants apprendront à lire les syllabes et les mots, ainsi qu’à écrire en lettres d’imprimerie. Pour rendre le processus d’apprentissage plus intéressant, le cours inclut des quêtes et des quiz. Les moments forts seront le Défilé des lettres et la Fête de l’alphabet. La structure de la leçon comprend de la neuro-gymnastique pour aider les enfants à se préparer à la leçon, ainsi que des échauffements pour se détendre et se reconcentrer. Les cours incluent également des jeux éducatifs utilisant les technologies de l’information et de la communication.
Course “Learning to Read”. Step 2
For children aged 4-6 who know the letters and can read in syllables.
When: Saturdays at 12:15
Duration: 45 minutes
The classes are held in small groups of 6 or more.
In this course, we will review the basic reading rules and practice difficult cases of reading syllables that often cause difficulties for children. We will also work on reading fluency and speed. Children will be able to read their first books with stories and fairy tales! In addition, we will compose and write our own stories in print and prepare our hands for cursive writing. The lesson structure includes neuro-gymnastics, warm-ups for relaxation, and educational games using information and communication technologies. Highlights of the course will include a performance based on a self-read fairy tale and the “I Can Read” quiz.

Course “Playing in Fairy Tales” for children
For children aged 4-6, once a week from September to June
When: Saturdays at 11:15
Duration: 45 minutes
The classes are held in small groups of 6 or more.
À chaque cours, les enfants rencontreront l’un des contes célèbres pour enfants à travers des leçons interactives sous forme de quêtes. Les enfants apprendront beaucoup de choses nouvelles et intéressantes de manière ludique, se plongeront dans l’atmosphère des célèbres livres pour enfants. Les parents peuvent préparer l’enfant en lisant le livre à l’avance, bien que connaître l’intrigue ne soit pas nécessaire.
For children aged 7-9
Course “Learning to Write”
For children aged 7-9 who can read fluently and write well in print, once a week from September to June
When: Saturdays at 11:15
Duration: 45 minutes
The classes are held in small groups of 6 or more.
The “Learning to Write” course is suitable for children who already know the alphabet and can read. In the classes, we will learn to write in cursive, study important grammar rules, and compose poems and stories. Highlights of the course will include the Capital Letters Celebration and the “Literacy Expert” quiz.

Role-playing game library “Following the Trail of One Book”
For children aged 7-9, once a week from September to June
When: Saturdays at 12:15
Duration: 45 minutes
The classes are held in small groups of 6 or more.
In the library room, one of the books designed for young school-age children “comes to life”. Children will learn a lot of new and interesting things in a playful form, try themselves in the role of one of the characters, and participate in discussions. Parents can prepare the child by reading the story in advance. Knowing the plot is essential as it will help the child participate more actively during the class.