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Geography is one of the oldest earth sciences. The French geographer and traveller Jacques Elisée Reclus observed that “history is geography in time, and geography is history in space”. And one can only agree with him. The history of Russia is the history of great geographical discoveries, settlement and development of adjacent vast territories. Today, the role of geography as a scientific tool for the economic, social and spiritual development of the country is growing, and the profession of geographer is becoming one of the most sought-after.

Geographers’ Day is celebrated in Russia every year on 18 August, and 2024 will be no exception.

On the virtual portal of the Russian House in Brussels – a gift for Geographer’s Day, the premiere of a documentary films!

We offer you three films with English and French subtitles, produced by the Russian Geographical Society (RGO). The unique footage is a great opportunity to discover the world of science and geography, travel across Russia and beyond, see rare animals, get to know unknown plants and learn more about the fates of great travellers. More films in original version are available on the RGO portal https://kino.rgo.ru/.

Discover the world, open new horizons
and broaden your mind with us!

sources: www.kp.ru, kino.rgo.ru

Online Premiere of the films on 18 August, 9.00 – 23.00

Northern Sea Route

OV, French subtitles

The documentary film The Great Northern Route, made with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, is presented by Leonid Kruglov, documentary filmmaker, traveller, ethnographer and member of the Russian Geographical Society. The author of the film and his team travelled 10,000 km along the legendary route of Semyon Dezhnev, the great Russian explorer of northern and eastern Siberia. The filming lasted four years and took place in seven regions of Russia, from the Arkhangelsk region to Chukotka. The explorers travelled to the Komi Republic by dog sled with Fyodor Konyukhov’s expedition, rode reindeer to Tobolsk, crossed the Putorana Plateau in a small single-rotor aircraft and reached the ‘cold pole’ in the village of Oymyakon, feeling the power of the Yakutian frosts. On a sea-style catamaran, they sailed across the ice from the Laptev Sea to Chukotka, like Cossack explorers. The project participants were able to familiarise themselves with the Chukchi way of life, including hunting on the ice, seal harvesting and life in the yarangs.

Author/director: Leonid Kruglov, 2018

Age category: 12+

OV, French subtitles

Territory of Irbis

OV, English Subtitles

Director Mikhail Kulunakov presented the trailer of the documentary Territory of Irbis, dedicated to the study of the snow leopard in Altai. The film was shot in 2020 on the territory of Sailugem National Park with the support of the Russian Geographical Society. The main characters of the film are the people who live side by side with these graceful carnivores, thanks to whom this rare predator still lives in Russia. The image of the snow leopard has long held an important place in the mythology of the indigenous peoples of the Altai. The leopard is the spirit of the Altai, a symbol of strength, nobility and power. In the 1990s, the population of iris in the Altai Mountains was virtually destroyed. The film creates a respectful attitude towards wildlife as a habitat for animals listed in the Red Book, draws the viewer’s attention to the problem of preserving endangered species, and emphasises the importance and significance of the dangerous work of inspectors and gamekeepers who are entrusted with an important mission – to revive and preserve the snow leopard population.

Author/director: Mikhail Kulunakov, 2021

Age category: 12+

OV, English subtitles

The altitude gene, or How to get to Everest?

OV, French Subtitles

Who hasn’t dreamt of being on top of the world? But only the most intrepid and courageous dare to write their name in the history of Everest climbers. It began in the 20s of the last century. Since the first successful ascent, more than two thousand people have reached the summit, including around a hundred Russians. Even today, the bodies of deceased climbers lie on the slopes of Everest. According to statistics, there is one dead climber for every 13 on Everest. Battling the altitude, the cold, the wind and yourself. The constant threat of dying from hypoxia, frostbite, falls into the void and avalanches haunts those who make it to the top of the mountain, which is rightly the symbol of the impossible. The film crew joined an expedition of Russian mountaineers on Everest to climb the highest mountain in the world.

Author/director: Valdis Pelsh, Kristina Kozlova, 2017

Age category: 12+

OV, French Subtitles

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