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Day of Slavonic Script and Culture

To the Day of Russia

Russian Geographical Society

Visitors to the photo exhibition will see pictures of cultural heritage objects from various parts of Russia: the majestic Naryn-Kala citadel in the Republic of Daghestan, the Oreshek fortress in the Leningrad Region, the Shoaninsky ancient Christian temple towering in the mountains in the Karachayevo-Circassian Republic and other unique monuments of history and culture of the peoples of Russia.

The exposition consists of works by participants in the annual photo contest of the Russian Geographical Society “The Most Beautiful Country”, the largest Russian wildlife photography competition.

The photo contest “The Most Beautiful Country” has been held since 2015. Every year tens of thousands of professional and amateur photographers participate in the competition. During the existence of the project, more than half a million photographs were sent to the Russian Geographical Society.

Read more on the project website https://photo.rgo.ru/en .

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