On July 11, a festive evening dedicated to the Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity, which is celebrated in Russia on July 8, was held at the Russian House in Brussels. The event was organized as part of the Year of the Family, announced for 2024.

This significant day is dedicated to the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are revered as patrons of family and marriage. The evening began with a solemn award ceremony where married couples were presented with commemorative medals “For Love and Fidelity” in honor of their long and strong life together, based on love and fidelity, as well as for the worthy upbringing of children. The director of the Russian House in Brussels, Vera Bunina, presented the medals and commemorative gifts to three deserving married couples.

The audience enjoyed a concert program featuring young talented soloists, laureates of international competitions, and students of the Royal Conservatory. Performers included saxophonist Louis Mariol from Belgium, clarinetist Thomas Grismann from France, and pianist Diana Kokaeva from Russia. The program featured works by both Russian and foreign composers, including Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky, Alexander, and Paul Jeanjean, among others.

The festive evening, including the opening of two photo exhibitions, became a bright event, uniting people in the celebration of family, love, and fidelity values. Attendees had the opportunity to enjoy not only wonderful music but also the atmosphere of warmth and unity.

As part of the event, the audience could visit two unique photo exhibitions. The first exhibition, winners of the International Photo Contest “Mother and Children in National Costumes,” showcased the diversity of national costumes and cultures, captured in touching and sincere photographs of mothers and their children from different parts of Russia. The exhibition was organized by the Russian International Women’s Union.

The second photo exhibition, “Peoples of Siberia: Between Past and Future,” was organized by the editorial office of the “Irkutsk Photographic Review IFO-PHOTO” and the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society. This unique project includes works by talented photographers from the Far East, Kamchatka, Chukotka, and the northern latitudes of the Polar Urals. The exhibition presents a vivid and diverse picture of the life of the peoples of Siberia, captured in their traditions, beliefs, holidays, everyday life, and work. Visitors noted in their reviews the high level of the presented works – all the featured photographers are laureates and winners of national and international competitions.