From January 27 to February 28, the Russian House in Brussels presented a joint exhibition project of the artist – Alexandra  Samarova and the photographer – Ekaterina Troshina, which contained two parts: The Path of Light and People of Light. Alexandra and Ekaterina explore the theme of inner light through photographs, paintings, drawings, and costumes.

The 18th century heralded the Age of Enlightenment. The time when mind and reason shone through lives, being the guiding light to cognition and knowledge about human beings, within and beyond.

The enlightenment of the XXIst century, in turn, requires tuning of hearts, through which one may hope to channel inner radiance.

Being witnesses to the present world transformation, we can clearly see that the reliable time of planning and aspirations has become unstable and worrying. Past agreements and familiar relationship patterns are failing, stereotypes are crumbling, and it is no longer possible to mask or fake reality. We are coming to realize that things may not be working as we tend to believe. In a raging stream of information, the inner compass is losing its precision. We are forgetting that one must look within in order to find answers to the most important questions.

Let the flames of your heart flare up, and with its light, you shall find your way.

Photo exhibition «People of Light» by Ekaterina Troshina will continue its work until April 9.