Russian diaspora in Belgium: 

the uniqueness of fate and cultural heritage

• 27-28 November 2020, Brussels •

The centenary of the Russian exodus – the evacuation from Crimea on November 13-16, 1920, by almost 150 thousand members of the White movement – was celebrated in Belgium, which became a haven for more than 10 thousand representatives of the first wave of Russian emigration, including General Pyotr Wrangel, who commanded the evacuation.

The Russian exodus became a symbol of tragic events, large-scale upheavals that Russia experienced.

The international online conference “Russian Diaspora in Belgium: the uniqueness of fate and cultural heritage”, was attended by Russian and international researchers, journalists, experts – government and public figures.

This conference became the central event of a series of cultural and historical online actions dedicated to the Civil War  and White Emigration.

Centenary of the Russian Exodus

The Russian exodus became a symbol of tragic events, large-scale upheavals that Russia experienced in that era. We pay tribute to the memory of all who died and suffered during that difficult time.
The 100th Years of these events “makes us think again about the deep foundations and strategic prospects of interaction between Russia and the rest of Europe.

Session No. 1 “The History of Post-Revolutionary Russian Emigration in Belgium: a Century Long Path”

Session #2 “Russian Emigration – to Belgium: What is the contribution of the Russian Diaspora to the development of the country?”

More videos … 

Solemn memorial service for the victims of the Russian Civil War, Brussels

“Dedicated to the Russian Exodus …”. Concert by Vadim Pyankov