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Dear friends!

Have you dreamed of learning to play chess, but think it’s either too late or too early? Chess knows no age! Moreover, for older people, playing chess is an excellent prevention against Alzheimer’s, and for schoolchildren, it’s a way to distract from gadgets and improve academic performance.

Chess develops logic, trains memory, and promotes patience.

Playing chess is a whole system that helps you in everyday life because it teaches you to plan not only your own moves ahead but also the moves of your opponents. It teaches you to concentrate on the task at hand and choose the only correct answer from many possible ones.

Hurry up! There are only a few spots left for the second trimester! The first trial lesson is free.

The coach is Master of Sports Beksoltan Masgutov. Among his achievements are: world junior chess champion – Sadvakasov D., two junior chess champions of Belgium – Masgutova G. and Bogdanov D., as well as prize-winners of children’s international competitions.


for the trimester – 130 euros (11 lessons per trimester);

per month – 45 euros;

for one lesson – 13 euros.

Lessons are held on Tuesdays from 18:30 to 19:30. Lessons also take place during school holidays.

Lessons are conducted in Russian and French languages.

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