225th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin
220th anniversary of M.I. Glinka
The International Day of the Russian Language
June 2024 is symbolic not only for Russian but also for world culture. In this month, with a difference of five years, two great individuals were born, who largely determined its further development: Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
Two Russian geniuses, who laid the foundations of Russian literature and music on the national traditions of folklore, history, and the character of the Russian people, were contemporaries, creating in the golden age of Russian culture. This year marks 220 years since the birth of M.I. Glinka and 225 years since the birth of A.S. Pushkin.
On June 5th, the Russian House in Brussels invites you to a celebratory concert dedicated to the creativity of these outstanding personalities.
Performed by Elena Fedorova (soprano) and Inna van Mechelen (piano), works based on the poetry of A.S. Pushkin, music by M.I. Glinka, C.A. Cui, A.S. Dargomyzhsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S.V. Rachmaninov, A.G. Rubinstein will sound. This evening will be a unique celebration for all lovers of Russian culture, uniting music and word in a single choir of memory and admiration for the great creators.
Program of the concert “Pushkin and Glinka: two geniuses – one era”
Words by Alexander Pushkin
- Glinka, « I remember the wondrous moment »
- Glinka, aria Lyudmila’s from the opera «Ruslan and Lyudmila»
- Glinka, romance «Adele»
- Rachmaninov, romance «Muse»
- Rubinstein, romance «Night»
- Glinka, romance «I`m here Inesilla»
- Tchaikovsky, «Dumka», piano solo
- Cesar Antonovich Cui, romance «A Statue in Tsarskoye Selo»
- Tchaikovsky, romance «Nightingale»
- Glinka, romance «There`s fire of love inside me, burning»
- Rachmaninov, romance «Do not sing, my beauty, to me»
- Dargomyzhsky, romance “The young man and the maiden”
- Rimsky-Korsakov, romance «The hills of Georgia»