On June 13, soloists from the St. Petersburg Music House, led by People’s Artist of Russia, Professor Sergey Roldugin, performed with great success at the Russian House in Brussels as part of the “Embassy of Mastery” project. The program featured young talented soloists, laureates of international competitions: Grigory Filipchenko (cello), Anastasia Klyuchereva (piano), and Azalia Nogmanova (flute).

This musical evening became a bright event, allowing the audience to enjoy the magnificent performance of masterpieces of Russian classical music. The talented young performers demonstrated the highest level of skill and inspiration, creating an unforgettable atmosphere in the Russian House.

The special atmosphere of the evening was created by the works of great composers such as Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Davydov, Alyabyev, and Balakirev, whose melodies resonated in the hearts of the audience. The concert, which combined old and modern arrangements, became a true celebration of music and art, showing that music is indeed eternal and always remains young.

One of the honorary guests of the event was the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Belgium, Alexander Avrelyevich Tokovinin. His presence gave the concert special significance and emphasized the importance of cultural exchange between our countries.

GRIGORY FILIPCHENKO (cello), a student of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (class of People’s Artist of the USSR, Professor Natalia Shakhovskaya, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Boris Andrianov). He continued his studies in the assistantship-internship program at the Moscow Conservatory (class of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Boris Andrianov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Balshin). Currently studying at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg (class of Professor Enrico Bronzi).

ANASTASIA KLYUCHEREVA (piano), a graduate of the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (class of People’s Artist of Russia, Professor Mikhail Voskresensky). Currently a student at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg (class of Professor Pavel Gililov).

AZALIA NOGMANOVA (flute) graduated with honors from the Secondary Special Music School of the Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganov (class of Associate Professor Laysan Bagabieva). Currently a student at the Basel Academy of Music (Switzerland) – class of Professor Felix Renggli.

“Embassy of Mastery” is an annual project of the St. Petersburg Music House, which has been held since 2012 and covers both regions of Russia and other countries around the world. It includes off-site master class sessions by leading musicians in six regions of Russia and tours of successful young soloists abroad. The concert part of the project is carried out in cooperation with Russian Houses and Russian diplomatic missions.

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