On June 28, a unique online tour of Tsar Alexei Romanov’s palace, known as “The Eighth Wonder of the World,” took place on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. The event, conducted by the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, was streamed live and attracted numerous participants from around the world.
During the video tour, viewers learned about the history of the wooden palace’s construction in Kolomenskoe during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. They were introduced to the structure of the tsar’s palace and the uniqueness of ancient Russian architectural style. The lives of the palace’s inhabitants – members of the tsar’s family – as well as the grand halls and personal chambers were described in detail.
Particularly fascinating was the story of the palace’s reconstruction after 300 years, which gave this unique 17th-century building a new lease on life.
The event was held in English and allowed viewers to gain a deeper understanding of Russia’s cultural heritage and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the past.
The online tour received significant attention and positive feedback, highlighting the importance and necessity of such events for the popularization of historical heritage.