On the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Music and poetry surrounded people on the front lines and in the rear, giving them the strength to endure the most difficult times. Accompanied by scenes from favorite movies, we heard familiar verses and songs of wartime, as well as poems and songs dedicated to the “great years.” We marked the centenary of the birth of such well-known authors as Yulia Drunina, Viktor Astafiev, Vladimir Bogomolov, Yuri Bondarev, Boris Vasiliev and Bulat Okudzhava.

Under the eternal music of S. Rachmaninoff, we remembered the film based on Boris Vasilyev’s famous book “The dawns here are quiet” and paid tribute to the memory of the 80th anniversary of the end of the siege of Leningrad with works that sounded in those terrible years in the unbroken city, a melody of hope “defying all deaths.”

The musical-poetic evening was attended by: Andrei Chevtchouk (Musical direction and piano), Tatiana Yurkova (soprano), Antoine Trouvé (cello), Olga Romanova (accordion), Tatiana Derache (alto).

Before the concert began, actions “Candle of Memory” and “Minute of Silence” took place, accompanied by metronome beats.

Before the start of the festive evening, guests received Victory symbols as gifts – carnations with St. George ribbons tied to them.

We bow our heads in memory of those who died, fearlessly and fiercely fighting fascism, giving us the future at the cost of their lives. Our duty is to remember the courage and honor the exploits of our people, who stood shoulder to shoulder in defense of the Motherland. Eternal memory to the fallen soldiers! No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!