Theater school for teenagers
in Russian House in Brussels

The Theatre School for teens provides a unique opportunity for young talents to discover their potential in the art of acting. This experience not only shapes future actors, but also contributes to personal development, enriching their lives and perception of the world around them.

We invite young adults from 13 years old to the Theater school at the Russian House!

  • for teenagers from 13 years old

  • 11-13 y.o. are also possible after an interview with a teacher

  • Saterdays from 11:00 to 12:30

  • Cost: 140 euros per trimester

  • First lesson will be on 13th of January 2024

Pre-Registration Is Mandatory.
Language: RU

Director Olga Markina: actress and director, has extensive experience working with a number of Moscow theaters, as well as Antwerprise.