On May 26 2023, the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) held a videoconference to inform applicants from Belgium and other European countries about the study programs University and the rules for admission to study.
Courage is one of the key qualities nowadays. And yet this is the word that best describes the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) – the top university in Russia, a powerful scientific and educational center, included in all authoritative world rankings: QS, THE, ARWU. Aspiration to conquer the scientific world has enabled HSE University to become the only Russian institution in Top-100 Best Young Universities according to Young University Ranking by THE (2022) and the best university in Russia according to the Forbes Russia (2022).
HSE University graduates quickly and successfully integrate into the labor market. By doing a lot of case studies and solving real business problems during their time at the university, students polish their skills and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. According to the Superjob ranking of economic universities (2022) the HSE University ranks second in Russia in terms of graduate salaries and third by employers’ demand for graduates in the RAEX ranking (2022).
HSE University is always a step ahead. University’s educational programs are skilfully crafted and aimed at the future, combining unconventional approaches to education, innovation with effective practices of traditional education. HSE students personally create their own educational trajectory. In addition to compulsory subjects students also choose additional courses that later constitute a minor. A minor is a block of four intercorrelated subjects that are not core to the student’s curriculum. Minor is the trademark of an HSE alumni and a guarantee for high competitiveness of their CVs on the job market.
HSE University attracts talents from all around the world. Nowadays more than 5500 foreign citizens study at the University. More than 6000 people from more than 145 countries have submitted applications to various programs. The secret of such a popularity is simple – the university actively supports international applicants. A special Advisory Center has been created at the HSE. Professionals of the Center are ready to address all the questions regarding admission and educational process at the University and assist an applicant during the process of application form the beginning and up until arrival in Russia.
On May 26, Ekaterina Belousova, Deputy Director of HSE International Admissions Office, will tell more about the opportunities offered by HSE University for international applicants.
We remind you that citizens of Belgium and permanently residing in the country can participate in the selection for free studying at this and other Russian Universities. More details on the site https://education-in-russia.com.
(in English)