Why learn Russian?
- The Russian language ranks 6th in the world in terms of the number of speakers (after English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic); in terms of prevalence – 8th place (after Chinese, Spanish, English, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali and Portuguese).
- In terms of use on the Internet, Russian is in second place. It is one of the most translated languages in the world. Among the languages into which most books are translated, Russian is in 7th place. Among the languages from which they are most often translated, Russian is in 4th place.
- Russian is the official or working language in a number of international organizations: the UN and some of its subsidiaries, SCO, OSCE, CIS, EurAsEC, CSTO, etc. Now Russian is spoken by 146 million citizens of the Russian Federation and another 127 million abroad. Russian is great prose, wonderful poetry and just a beautiful and interesting language. We will teach you to see its beauty and lightness. Waiting for you!
Would you like to …
- to get a new professional competence?
- learn a new foreign culture and its language?
- be able to communicate with people from Russia and from more than twenty countries of the world?
- speak one of the official languages of the UN, the World Bank and the International Space Station?
- increase the benefits of your resume for future job opportunities?
What you can learn in this course…
Fascinating creative acquaintance with the Russian language and the musical culture of Russia. During the course, we will learn songs of different periods and genres of Russian music: folk songs of the regions of Russia, Orthodox chants, choirs from operas available to beginners, romances of the 19th – 20th centuries, songs of the Soviet period, war years and from films. We will learn more about the events and people behind the creation of works, their fate. We will analyze in detail the meaning of the songs, the historical context, the style, the placement of accents so that the performance is as expressive, literate and emotional as possible.
Classes are equally available for beginners and more experienced participants. Combining the vocal technique bel canto (beautiful singing) with exercises for honing diction, designed for actors and singers, will help you both to reveal the possibilities of the voice and significantly improve the pronunciation of the Russian language.
They are very useful and informative even for native speakers of the language, as they allow you to look at it from the vocal point of view: to trace the harmony and inextricable connection of melody, word and meaning. Classes will be held in French and Russian, comments and explanations in English are possible. Singing in the choir is contact with beauty, relaxation, cognition, unification and, always, interesting, creative communication.
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Our teachers –
professional philologists with diplomas from Russian universities and extensive teaching experience, incl. Russian as a foreign language. Under their guidance, you will be able to master languages from the basics to the very top. The training program is built in accordance with European standards from level A1 to level C2. Based on the results of the classes, an official certificate is issued that meets European standards and is recognized by European government and business structures.
Our advantages –
- small groups from 6 to 12 people
- modern teaching methods of Russian universities
- programs are designed in accordance with levels A1-C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
- teachers – native speakers of Russian and specialists in teaching Russian as a foreign language
- upon completion, an official diploma is issued, recognized in Belgium and in the EU
- the possibility of obtaining an international certificate in Russian as a foreign language
- internships at partner universities in Russia
Opinions of our students
…Speaking Russian gives you the chance to experience the real Russia. Knowing Russian will then be an added value for each type of profession.
…Russian language is one way to solve “the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” as Churchill said long time ago. Russia and its language are indeed enigmatic and learning Russian is a fascinating journey worth taking.
..Knowing Russian means having access to the great texts of Russian literature as well as to cinema and songs. Our teacher is very enthusiastic and patient and she manages to keep a good pace to maintain the interest of each student!