The Russian House Brussels-Europe, in collaboration with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, presented the audience with advanced solutions in the field of education as part of the Russian Innovation Night event.
“We are happy to see the Russian Innovation Night program to present the projects developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives who integrates youth innovative companies with startups in Russia. I find especially valuable their educational and social initiatives, two of which were presented today, on December 15, 2022: ROBBO and BUSINESSFOX,” Vera Georgievna Bunina, Director of the Russian House in Brussels, commented on the event.
The event was broadcast on YouTube and FB channels of the Russian House Brussels-Europe; more than 200 people watched the video.
Ekaterina Lashchinina, Project Director, ASI International Office: “In recent years, Russia has established itself as a supplier of innovative educational technology who is in demand all over the world. ROBBO and BUSINESSFOX show us how Russian products not only don’t lag behind, but also outstrip their foreign counterparts, gaining international recognition in various nominations, awards, and competitions. We are sure that this recognition once again proves that our projects are sought-after and competitive in foreign markets.”
The video can be viewed here:
About the projects
ROBBO is a platform for modern educational robotics. It includes all areas and elements necessary for teaching modern robotics to children and teenagers from 5 years old (electronics, manipulators, programming, 3Dпринтеры, Internet of things, machine tools, etc.).
Leader’s contact: Andrey Sergeev, Business Development Director, ROBBO
Phone: +79260118884