In 2023, the Russian House, in partnership with the IV Tsiolkovsky International Film and Space Film Festival and the TASS news agency, will hold the Star Dictation “Let’s Go!”

This year, the author of the text of the dictation was Anton Pervushin, a Russian writer, journalist, historian of space exploration, who created the most interesting science fiction and popular science books about space.

There will be gaps in place of real names, terms or events. In a special form on the website, participants will need to mark the correct words or phrases.

For those who will write dictation in other countries, the site will have a choice of language versions: Arabic, Chinese, German, French or English. The famous Gagarin’s “Let’s go!” will start the dictation on April 12 at 13:00 Moscow time.

Register on the website:, participate and get prizes – books signed by the author!