Teach Russian

29 11, 2024

Methodological events ‘Organisation of coursework training of Russian as a foreign language abroad’

2024-11-29T10:38:15+01:00November 29th, 2024|Categories: Meet Russia, Russian language, Teach Russian|

‘I came for a certificate, and I leave with a suitcase of knowledge and skills’, - this is how the participant described the programme of methodological events “Organisation of course teaching of Russian as a foreign language abroad”, which ended on 28 November 2024. During 5 weeks more than 1500 teachers from 110 countries were trained in the programme, which was developed by the Training Centre ‘World of Russian Textbooks’ with the assistance of the publishing house ‘Zlatoust’ and was implemented with the support of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian [...]

18 10, 2024

Methodological events ‘Organisation of course teaching of Russian as a foreign language abroad’

2024-10-18T12:45:56+02:00October 18th, 2024|Categories: Meet Russia, Russian language, Teach Russian|

From 24 October to 28 November 2024, more than 1,470 Russian language teachers from 110 countries will take part in the distance methodological events ‘Organisation of coursework teaching Russian as a foreign language abroad’, which will be conducted for them by Russian colleagues: teachers working with adults and children, on-site and remotely, in universities and public schools, authors of teaching aids, researchers, speech therapists, school administrators abroad. The methodological events are organised with the support of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). The programme of events was developed by [...]

20 09, 2024

Methodical seminar “Modern educational and methodological literature on Russian as a foreign language”

2024-09-20T12:29:16+02:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News, Russian language, Teach Russian|

On September 16, the Russian language school hosted a methodological seminar from a representative of the publishing house “Zlatoust” for teachers of the Russian language “Modern educational methodological literature on Russian as a foreign language.” Participants discovered new products from the publishing house and received answers to questions about textbooks for classes. The teachers also became acquainted with printed textbooks and manuals. We thank the publishing house “Zlatoust” for cooperation!

23 11, 2023

Methodological events for teachers of the Russian language abroad in a distance format

2023-11-23T16:00:05+01:00November 23rd, 2023|Categories: Education in Russia, Meet Russia, Russian House News, Russian language, Science, Study Russian, Teach Russian|

Russian Language teachers from RUDN University will conduct a series of methodological events for teachers of the Russian language abroad in the distance format "Organization of course teaching of Russian as a foreign language abroad" in the period from December 1 to December 8, 2023. Participation in methodological events will allow teachers of the Russian language abroad to improve their professional skills at any time convenient for them, having mastered all modules of the program: "Specifics of the organization of course training: short-term and intensive courses"; "Intensive methods of teaching the Russian language"; "Educational and methodological literature for course and individual [...]

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