This spring, a grand celebration of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin’s anniversary took place at the Russian House in Brussels. In honor of the great poet’s 225th birthday, a variety of events were held, each offering unforgettable experiences to the guests.

The festivities began with a family event titled “The Pushkin Family in Russia and Belgium,” where guests learned about the Pushkin family’s history and their legacy in Belgium. One of the main exhibitions was “Pushkin and Moscow,” showcasing unique exhibits related to the poet’s life and work in the Russian capital.

Film enthusiasts gathered for the exclusive Belgian premiere of the “Eugene Onegin” adaptation as part of our Film Club. Music lovers enjoyed the concert “Pushkin and Glinka: Two Geniuses, One Era,” featuring romances set to Pushkin’s poetry.

For families with children, an engaging quest “In the Footsteps of Pushkin’s Tales” was organized, immersing kids and their parents in the world of Pushkin’s stories. Art exhibitions were also a significant part of the celebration: visitors could see Nikolai Predein’s works at the “Pushkin Characters in Graphics” exhibition and admire the wonderful artworks and photographs of our compatriots at the “Slavic Kaleidoscope” exhibition.

A particular highlight of the exhibition was the fabric panels with illustrations for “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” demonstrating the craftsmanship of artist Natalia Maraeva and her love for Pushkin’s work. A unique mural featuring the poet’s portrait was also created for the anniversary, adorning the courtyard of the Russian House.

The celebration included a traditional event organized by the International Pushkin Foundation, attended by Pushkin’s admirers, our compatriots and their children, local residents, as well as staff from the Russian House in Brussels and the Embassy of the Russian Federation. Flowers were laid at Pushkin’s monument, and participants, including children, recited his poems by heart.

The anniversary celebration will conclude in the fall with an evening at the Russian House in Brussels. You can find the full list of past events and announcements of future ones on the page dedicated to Pushkin’s anniversary on the Russian House in Brussels website: 225 Years of A.S. Pushkin. Stay tuned for our updates!