On March 22, a lecture-presentation of his new book was held at the Russian House in Brussels by Mikael Askil Gouege, MD, Head of the Ophthalmology Department of the Vernet Institute in Paris, a well-known French eye surgeon. At the same time, a video bridge was organized with the North Ossetian State Medical Academy, whose professors, students and postgraduates also took part in this interesting event. Rector of the Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oleg Remizov characterized the new book by the author Medecins malgré vous as an impressive work of an erudite physician and historian of medicine. The book in a fascinating form familiarizes the reader with interesting discoveries of Russian and foreign famous scientists in the field of medicine, as well as new approaches in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. In the speeches and comments of the Russian and Belgian participants it was noted that this year the Russian Academy of Sciences celebrates its 300th anniversary.
Dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The lecture by the doctor, mentor and eye surgeon, head of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Institut Verne in Paris, followed by the presentation and signing of his latest book (Grasset edition, 2023), aroused great interest among the guests.
In this brilliant book, the author offers us the keys to our bodies and our health:
- How did hypnosis cure Sergei Rachmaninoff’s depression?
- What is the difference between a virus, a bacterium and a fungus?
- How was it discovered that Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks?
- What is Bechterew’s disease (or ankylosing spondylitis)?
- Why is it so dangerous to eat home canned food?
- What is cancer, diabetes, or manic delirium?
- Are fibromyalgia or hyperactivity new diseases?
A fascinating literary and scientific object, this book paints a portrait of the diseases of the century based on a list of diseases most commonly searched for on the Internet around the world. Diseases that we fear, that intrigue us… but about which we often know little.