We continue to present the history of famous Russian families in Belgium – and this time one of the most famous families in Russia, the family of Alexander Pushkin, the greatest of Russian poets.

His direct descendants – the poet’s great-grandson and the last bearer of the Pushkin family name Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin and his wife Maria Alexandrovna Pushkin-Durnovo, who is also a direct descendant of Nikolai Gogol, now live in the quiet metropolitan municipality of Uccle.

Those gathered at the evening in the Russian House heard a unique story of Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Alexandrovna about their great ancestor and the history of their family in Belgium – unique facts that have not been published so far. They also talked about the anniversaries that the family will celebrate in 2024.

And the year is rich in significant events – it is not only the 225th anniversary of the “sun of Russian poetry”, but also many important dates for the Brussels branch of the Pushkin family: the 100th anniversary of the family’s move to Belgium, 75 years since the first meeting of Maria Alexandrovna and Alexander Alexandrovich (they were 6 and 7 years old respectively) and 55 years since their wedding.

And that’s not all: 25 years ago, on the 200th anniversary of the poet, the couple founded the International Pushkin Foundation in honour of their great ancestor, which helps children’s hospitals in Russia. In the same year a monument to the poet was unveiled in the Brussels commune of Laken – and this is also a kind of Pushkin’s anniversary.

Maria Alexandrovna and Alexander Alexandrovich devoted their entire lives to preserving and promoting the memory of their ancestor – the great Russian poet. And in this jubilee year, this active endeavour is particularly noticeable. Thank you, dear Pushkins of Brussels.