On March 14, 2024, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a culinary workshop ” Razgulyay the Maslenitsa ” on pancake making.

Tatiana Hachimi presented this popular treat in the spirit of Fusion Food, using a wide range of flavors from the four corners of the globe. In fact, pancakes are a universal recipe that can be found in China, Morocco, Brittany and Russia, not forgetting Liège and its famous bouquet.

The event was held in a cozy atmosphere where each participant could ask questions and get answers. Each participant could try to cook pancakes with different fillings and find their favorite.

Natalia Evdokimova, art historian, presented a presentation on the traditions and peculiarities of Pancake Day celebrations in Russia. The story about the history of the holiday, traditional treats, recipes for pancakes, folk amusements, was illustrated with paintings by Russian artists, photos of festive folk festivities in different regions of Russia.

Maslenitsa is the oldest folk holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. The Slavic holiday came from pagan culture and was preserved after the adoption of Christianity. The Church included Pancake Day among its holidays, calling it Cheese Week, as Pancake Day falls on the week preceding Lent.