
8 09, 2023

200th Anniversary of A.N. Ostrovsky: “Cruel Romance” at the Russian House Cinema Club in Brussels

2023-10-26T20:00:40+02:00September 8th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Library, Russian House News|

In the second part of the cinema club dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, the Russian House in Brussels screened the melodrama "Cruel Romance," directed by Eldar Ryazanov and based on the play "Without a Dowry" by the great Russian playwright. The film, well-known to Russian audiences, also found favor among Belgian film enthusiasts. The splendid cast, including Larisa Guzeeva, Alisa Freindlich, and Nikita Mikhalkov, received a very favorable response from the guests at the Russian House in Brussels. After the screening, the audience passionately discussed the moral aspects of the plot, the artistry of the set [...]

4 09, 2023

For the 200th anniversary of A.N. Ostrovsky: the Russian House’s film club screened “The Marriage of Balzaminov”

2023-10-26T20:02:02+02:00September 4th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Library, Russian House News|

To commemorate the 200th anniversary of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, the film club at the Russian House in Brussels showcased the comedy "The Marriage of Balzaminov," directed by Konstantin Voinov and based on the famous Russian playwright's play of the same name. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is rightly called the founder of Russian national theater. His role in the development of Russian drama, stage art, and the entire national culture is hard to overestimate. A.N. Ostrovsky's plays, which have not lost their relevance, are still performed on the best theatrical stages today. After the screening, the audience had the opportunity to exchange [...]

6 07, 2023

Literary Blogs «Asya: love has no tomorrow»

2023-07-06T16:05:15+02:00July 6th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

Before moving on to the blog topic, I would like to express my gratitude to Vera Bazilevskaya and Anna Burkovskaya for providing the photographs. So, the June literary salon was dedicated to Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev's novella "Asya." This story took place in 1857. After a year of inactivity, I.S. Turgenev took up the pen again. The reason was a scene accidentally observed in the German town of Zinitzke. The writer's attention was drawn to two women: an old woman sitting on the ground floor of a small house, and a girl peering out of the window on the second floor. [...]

13 06, 2023

Literary Blogs “Detectives as a Genre”

2023-06-15T09:49:12+02:00June 13th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|Tags: |

Question about the picture: What is the name of the victim? The captain of a Japanese ship noticed that he had lost his gold watch during the journey. It happened while he was taking a shower. Four people came under suspicion. The cook claimed that he was preparing lunch for the crew, the helmsman said he was at the helm, sailor Leslie stated that he noticed the flag was upside down and went to flip it, and sailor Megan claimed to be checking the accuracy of the course and the absence of obstacles. Who lied and stole the captain's watch? [...]

5 06, 2023

Literary Blogs: Our Readers’ Creativity “Consultation” by R. Vardа

2023-06-06T14:54:43+02:00June 5th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear friends, among the attendees of our literary salon are real writers. Ruben Vardа has provided his story "Consultation." “You're making progress, Kit, I like your universe. You managed to achieve rapid stabilization. This promises long life without any shock. Tell me, how do you see its future? What might its zest, or uniqueness, be, so to speak?” Kit smiled, flattered by the words of her Professor. “You are right, Professor, it is stable, that’s true, but because of this it is not very lively. Not much happens there. At the moment I do not see any zest, and [...]

1 06, 2023

Literary Blog: Childhood, childhood, childhood – it is light and joy.

2023-06-06T15:09:31+02:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear children! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday. Childhood is truly an amazing time. It is only in childhood that you can visit Karlsson on the Roof, embark on journeys to other planets, and chat with Martians on the Orange River. Children love Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile. Do you know who wrote this funny story? It's Eduard Uspensky. Dear little reader, come to our library with your mom and dad! In our library, you will be able to choose books to your liking. Some of them are already available in our catalog.

22 05, 2023

Poetry by our readers: Brigitte Merle.

2023-05-25T09:29:20+02:00May 22nd, 2023|Categories: literary blog, Russian language|

Dear friends, As promised, we are pleased to present the works of a regular participant in our literary salon - Brigitte Merle. Russian is not her native language. По пути, покрытому сосновыми иглами, В горящем летнем воздухе, Ты протянул мне белую розу, блестящую и трепещущую в утренней теплоте. Наши шаги упругие и тихие, Часто встречались на пути в святые горы. Теперь наши следы стёрлись, Роза увяла, Воспоминание растворилось в свежем осеннем воздухе. (август 2017) Слушай песнь ветра в глубоком лесу: Влезает в обнажённые кусты, Листья улетают бешенным танцем, Сучья трещат, Изнурённое дерево рухнет. Разбушевавшийся ветер ворчит, мычит, затихает. [...]

2 05, 2023

Literary blogs: To whom is memory, to whom is glory…

2023-05-02T17:39:06+02:00May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Russian House News|

«Женщины у родников, в поле, на верандах только и говорили, как Халид выкрал невесту, какую весёлую свадьбу сыграл его отец… А через месяц и девять дней началась война. Они ушли на фронт вместе. Она не вернулась: осталась лежать близ города Будапешта.» (Фазу Алиева «Конь-победитель») 9 мая – великий день не только для нашей страны. Этот день отмечают во многих странах мира. 9 (8) мая 1945 года в Берлине был подписан акт о безоговорочной капитуляции фашисткой Германии. Вторая мировая война не могла не оставить свой след в мировой и отечественной литературе. Кому не известны слова из знаменитой поэмы Александра Твардовского «Василий [...]

27 04, 2023

Literary blogs: fantasy

2023-05-23T09:46:42+02:00April 27th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Маша колебалась недолго. Предложения было настолько заманчивым, а улыбка Алекса такой обезоруживающей, что противостоять стало сложно. По ступенькам забралась в кабину. Молодой человек занял место за штурвалом. Приказал пристегнуться. Бесшумно заработали лопасти. Машина слегка качнулась и оторвалась от поверхности. Сапфировое небо начало стремительно приближаться. Отель отдалялся. Квадрат бассейна вскоре стал напоминать голубой корунд в обрамлении цитриновой россыпи. Впервые в жизни полёт на вертолёте. От разворачивающейся картины замирала душа. Ах, какая красота! — Смотри, это лазурное зарево, — Алекс показал на светящееся внизу пятно, которое постоянно меняло конфигурацию. — Это рыбы. Днём они в глубине плавают, а ночью собираются на поверхности в одном [...]

4 04, 2023

The Russian House in Brussels has accepted the final of the recitation competition «Living Classic»

2023-04-04T16:31:48+02:00April 4th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

On Saturday 25 March, Brussels held the 6th children's literary competition for the best prosaic reader in Russian «Living Classic» for school children. Traditionally, this contest has been hosted by the Russian House in Brussels. Vera Georgievna Bunina, head of the Russian House and a great friend of the competition was elected president of the jury. This time the atmosphere was especially joyful and solemn! For the first time after three years of the contest in online format. Children read fragments from the real stage, and in the hall, breathless, they listened to parents, friends and the jury. The magic [...]

31 03, 2023

Presentation of the book by Alexander Korsak “The Third Salvo”

2024-01-15T22:14:26+01:00March 31st, 2023|Categories: Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On March 31, 2023, the presentation of the book “The Third Salvo” by Alexander Korsak took place at the Russian House in Brussels, which tells the fate of his parents, the first wave of emigrants, the years they lived through during the German occupation.

3 03, 2023

Literary evening “Simenon and Russia” was held at the Russian House in Brussels

2024-01-15T22:19:49+01:00March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On March 3, the literary evening "Simenon and Russia" was held at the Russian House in Brussels, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the great writer. Jean-Louis Etienne, a native of the Belgian Liege, like Simenon, a literary critic with 30 years of experience, spoke about the creative path of the famous master of detectives. And also about the phenomenal and constant success of his work in Russia. In the exhibition hall you can see an exhibition dedicated to the work of Georges Simenon, which is open to the public until the end of March. [...]

28 02, 2023

The International Young Readers’ Competition «Living Classic»

2023-02-28T15:44:23+01:00February 28th, 2023|Categories: Library|

The International Young Readers' Competition «Living Classic» is a competitive event for reading aloud passages from the prose works of Russian writers. Link Interesting facts! Belgium The Competition takes place for the sixth time. In 2023, 40 applications were submitted from 8 Russian schools, literary and theatrical studios. Three stages of the competition: school, regional (per three regions) and national, to be held on 25.03.2023 at the Russian House in Brussels. Facebook

17 02, 2023

Literary Evening: Dominique Fernandez and his “Soviet Time Novel, Undiscovered Continent”.

2024-01-15T22:25:21+01:00February 17th, 2023|Categories: Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , , |

L'AUTEUR : Le 17 février 2023, une Soirée littéraire s'est tenue à la Maison russe à Bruxelles avec la participation de Dominique Fernandez, membre de l'Académie française, auteur de nombreux livres d’une oeuvre considérable par sa qualité et sa prolixité (une centaine de livres parus) qui lui a valu notamment le prix Médicis en 1974 pour Porporino ou les mystères de Naples, le prix Goncourt en 1982 pour Dans la main de l’Ange, le prix Charles-Oumont de la Fondation de France en 1986 pour L’Amour, le prix Prince Pierre de Monaco pour l’ensemble de son oeuvre en 1986, le prix [...]

20 10, 2022

The first literary evening from the cycle “… With Russian Roots” was held at the Russian House

2024-01-15T22:40:16+01:00October 20th, 2022|Categories: Dialogue Events, Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On October 20, the Russian House in Brussels hosted the first meeting from the cycle "... With Russian Roots", dedicated to the "Russian trace" in European culture. It is significant that the first guest was well-known in Europe, especially in the French-speaking environment, the Franco-Russian writer, laureate of the Goncourt Prize and member of the French Academy Andrey Makine. The meeting was moderated by Tatiana Hashimi, a Belgian journalist and anthropologist. The evening passed in a warm and friendly atmosphere, the conference hall of the Russian House could hardly accommodate the admirers of Andrey Makin who came to the meeting. [...]

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