Kids Club

2 07, 2024

Kid’s Club: “Fun Lessons”

2024-07-02T15:14:18+02:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News, Russian language, Study Russian|

On June 8, a children's party was held at the Russian House. The little ones came to their first fun lesson. The teacher was not strict at all but very cheerful, Catherine. Katya held classes for the little ones who do not know how to read yet. They were in for an exciting introduction to the letters. Catherine had prepared many interesting games to attract the attention of the young students. – Kids, today we will become friends with the letters! – Katya announced with a smile. The children looked at the bright pictures with interest, repeated the sounds [...]

1 07, 2024

Children’s Club: “Young Talent”

2024-07-01T14:14:18+02:00July 1st, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

On June 8, a solo concert by the young talented pianist Alexandra Long took place in the concert hall of the Russian House. The girl has been in love with music since childhood. As an infant, she loved to play with bells. There were seven of them, and each had a different sound. By eight months old, she could unmistakably recognize which bell was ringing. At the age of four, Sasha began to try her hand at the piano, and her mother had no choice but to invite a teacher for her. In addition to music, Alexandra loved [...]

18 06, 2024

By the Wish of the Fairy Fish, by my own will…

2024-06-18T12:54:44+02:00June 18th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

On Saturday, June 15th, the season of the Children's Club was closed with a screening of the fairy tale film " Wish of the Fairy Fish." The film " Wish of the Fairy Fish " is an exciting movie that tells the story of the unusual and magical events in the life of the main character, Emelya. The plot is based on a well-known Russian folk tale, but the director's vision and modern technology have made it brighter and more captivating. Despite his age, Emelya remains a child at heart, leading him to the events that helped him not [...]

28 05, 2024

Cinema Club + Family: The Humpbacked Horse

2024-05-28T12:57:36+02:00May 28th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

In April of this year, our movie club screened a Russian adventure fantasy based on the world-famous fairy tale by Pyotr Yershov, "The Humpbacked Horse." Screenwriter Alexey Borodachev, in collaboration with director Oleg Pogodin, aimed to convey the magical world of Pyotr Yershov, skillfully weaving contemporary Russian modernism into the plot. It must be said that they succeeded, as the film became one of the top-grossing movies. Of course, the success would not have been possible without the performances of actors such as Anton Shagin and Paulina Andreeva. The old man had three sons: The eldest was a smart lad, [...]

24 05, 2024

Children decorated the windows of the Russian House with symbols of remembrance as part of the “Windows of Remembrance” campaign

2024-05-24T10:41:45+02:00May 24th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Kids Club, Library, Russian House News|Tags: , |

Young guests of the Russian House in Brussels enthusiastically took part in the international campaign "Windows of Remembrance". As part of this event, they cut out symbols of the Victory Day, such as cranes, doves and St George's ribbons. They carefully coloured and pasted these symbols on the windows of the Russian House. The action was aimed at drawing attention to important historical events and preserving the memory of them. Parents supported the initiative, admiring the children's creativity. Visitors to the Russian House liked the festively decorated windows, which created an atmosphere of unity and respect for history. Thanks to [...]

23 05, 2024

Children’s Club: The Tale of How the Children Prepared for Easter

2024-05-23T18:26:24+02:00May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

This happened not too long ago. We decided to come up with something original for Easter: something fun for the children and unusual, but without magic. "How about I teach the children to decorate eggs with napkins?" suggested Irina Panteleeva. The children know and love her well. "Let's give it a try!" We posted an announcement, and then it all began... Unfortunately, our capabilities are limited, and we couldn't accommodate everyone who wanted to join. Everyone who signed up came. Adults also decided to participate in this exciting activity. First, we handed out napkins. They were different and for [...]

21 03, 2024


2024-03-21T16:45:38+01:00March 21st, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Education in Russia, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Our Programs, performance|

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE VI INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION "TELL THE WORLD ABOUT YOUR MOTHERLAND!" Entries are accepted until April 10, 2024. Competition organizer: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Innovative Center for Development and Education of Children and Youth" with the support of the Committee of the State Duma on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rossotrudnichestvo, the "Russian World" Fund, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), and the Russian Patriotism Center. The competition "Tell the World About Your Motherland" is a project aimed at patriotic education of children and youth and forming friendly international relations between the younger [...]

14 03, 2024

Kid’s Club: “Can I make two leaves, and then a flower?”

2024-03-14T19:15:09+01:00March 14th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Russian House News|

At the March meeting of our children's club, a master class dedicated to the wonderful spring holiday of March 8th took place. With this holiday, spring comes into our lives. It has become customary that starting from kindergarten, we make gifts for our mothers, sisters, grandmothers. So we decided not to forget our traditions. Many children came. However, our master classes are popular: firstly, they are conducted by professionals who not only love to create with their hands but also know how to convey it to the children. You can't deceive children; if they feel insincerity, they won't come again. [...]

7 03, 2024

Dedicated to the 225th anniversary of Pushkin!

2024-03-07T14:40:02+01:00March 7th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Poushkin, Russian language|

September 30, 1833 A.S. Pushkin visited the Orenburg province. The purpose of this trip was to collect materials about Pugachev. At that time, Alexander Sergeevich decided to write both a historical essay about Pugachev and a novel from the era of the Pugachev uprising. This is in our time: make a couple of mouse clicks and you will get more or less reliable information, but then everything was much more complicated, but also more interesting. Pushkin not only traveled through the “eastern province” to personally visit the places where the events took place, but met with local old-timers - contemporaries [...]

5 03, 2024

Yoma and Chacha (Komi-Permyak fairy tale) (ending)

2024-03-05T12:36:07+01:00March 5th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

The first part of the tale is here. The second one is here. Слезла Чача с дерева, набрала в туесок молока, пошла к Ёме добывать бердо. - Славные коровы у тебя, Ёма, молочные и не норовистые. Вот тебе молоко, а мне давай наше бердо. Бабушка, знать, уже ругает меня. - Очень скоро ты вернулась, - говорит Ёма. - Я не успела доткать. Садись за кросна и кончай тканье, а я сготовлю для тебя гостинцы. Чача стала ткать, а Ёма ушла в подпол - только не гостинцы готовить, а свои зубы точить. Точила, точила, спросила Чачу: - Скоро ли доткешь? [...]

29 02, 2024

Yoma and Chacha (Komi-Permyak fairy tale) – 2

2024-02-29T17:23:30+01:00February 29th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

Read the first part of the story here - Занято ваше бердо. Сейчас я буду ткать, а ты о ту пору сходи на ближнюю полянку да накорми моих кур. - А чем их накормить? - Стань посреди поляны и скажи: «Куть-куть, ешьте что помягче да послаще». Побежала Чача на ближнюю поляну и хотела уж Ёминых кур позвать, да вспомнила добрую старушку, что живет у болота, к ней завернула. Старушка на лавочке под окошком сидит и сладко дремлет. - Бабушка, меня Ёма послала кур кормить. Проснулась старушка, узнала Чачу, обрадовалась ей: - Хорошо ты сделала, внученька, что ко мне зашла. [...]

27 02, 2024

Yoma and Chacha (Komi-Permyak fairy tale)

2024-02-27T15:59:09+01:00February 27th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia|

Dear friends, you know that more than 200 peoples and ethnic groups live in Russia. And every people, every land has its own history, its own legends and its own fairy tales. In the north of the Urals, among dense forests, marshy swamps and high mountains, live the Komi-Permyaks. They speak the Komi-Permyak language, which belongs to the Finno-Ugric language group. You all know the expression: “We are from Parma.” There, Parma is taiga in the Komi-Permyak language, and not a football team. Today I want to introduce you to a Komi-Permyak fairy tale. Before you and I start reading [...]

13 02, 2024

Kid’s club: I am charmed by these children.

2024-02-13T17:16:04+01:00February 13th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Science|

On Saturday, February 10, a master class took place, which was announced as Samodelkin. персонаж: Нина Бенашвили, визуальные образы: Вахтанг Бахтадзе, Анатолий Сазонов Who from the older generation doesn't remember this cheerful character made up of a battery, a bolt, springs, a plug, and a screwdriver? Samodelkin first appeared as an animated character in 1957. Since then, he has become not only a cartoon hero but also appeared in books. His name has become a household word. Often, craftsmen who create masterpieces out of nothing are called Samodelkins. And here we have found such a popular craftsman [...]

8 02, 2024

Kid’s Club: And a Confetti Salute…

2024-02-08T15:24:05+01:00February 8th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

Dear friends, in January, our joyful celebration "Confetti" took place. Many guests came, and how else could it be? At first, all the children were divided into teams. The questions were difficult, but not for our participants. They easily found the answers. And then... Confetti cannons sparkle in gold. A star was lit in silver Reaching the top The bravest spark. Marshak Everything was correct, all the participants made a confetti cannon. For this, they needed a cardboard tube from a toilet paper roll, a balloon, shiny wrapping paper, and of course, confetti. That's when the real fun began. Especially [...]

30 01, 2024

Children’s Club: Once Upon a Time…

2024-01-30T18:01:10+01:00January 30th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian House News|

Dear friends! January is coming to an end, ahead is the last winter month, and we are going to talk about... a New Year's celebration for children. For the first time after a long break, the halls of the Russian House echoed with children's voices and laughter, the patter of little feet, and the crisp clapping of hands. In the foyer in front of the concert hall, the children were greeted by the cheerful Barbary. She wanted to confuse them and asked tricky questions. But our little guests turned out to be [...]

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