
21 03, 2024


2024-03-21T16:45:38+01:00March 21st, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Education in Russia, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Our Programs, performance|

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE VI INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION "TELL THE WORLD ABOUT YOUR MOTHERLAND!" Entries are accepted until April 10, 2024. Competition organizer: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Innovative Center for Development and Education of Children and Youth" with the support of the Committee of the State Duma on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rossotrudnichestvo, the "Russian World" Fund, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), and the Russian Patriotism Center. The competition "Tell the World About Your Motherland" is a project aimed at patriotic education of children and youth and forming friendly international relations between the younger [...]

21 11, 2023

«Russia, the coronation of the phoenix?» Paysage sonore by Dominique Kopp

2024-01-15T22:00:24+01:00November 21st, 2023|Categories: History & Memory, Innovation, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, performance, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|

On November 10th, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a uniquely formatted event. Our guests were immersed in the ambiance of Russia through Dominique Kopp's soundscape, titled 'Russia - Coronation of the Phoenix?' In a dimly lit auditorium, attendees enjoyed a compilation of audio excerpts, music, sound bites, and recordings of speeches by key figures in Russian history. The soundscape had a profound impact on the audience, enabling them to experience the atmosphere of Russia, sense the chill of harsh winters, and relive crucial historical moments that shaped the country's destiny. After the soundscape concluded, the guests lingered for an [...]

23 05, 2023

“Poetic Theater of Svetlana Kryuchkova” presented the program “Poetic Petersburg”

2023-05-29T13:02:06+02:00May 23rd, 2023|Categories: performance, Russian House News|Tags: , |

On May 23, 2022, the performance of the People's Artist of Russia SVETLANA KRYUCHKOVA "Poetic Petersburg" dedicated to the actress's beloved city - St. Petersburg was held on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. For the Poetic Petersburg program, the actress chose the love lyrics of Akhmatova, Mandelstam, magical in sound and depth, and the poetry of St. From classical verse to the echo of the "Oberiuts" hidden behind a childish playful form. OBERIU (Association of Real Art) - a group of writers and cultural figures that existed in 1927 - early 1930s in Leningrad. Many participants [...]

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