Literary Blogs

2 07, 2024

Kid’s Club: “Fun Lessons”

2024-07-02T15:14:18+02:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News, Russian language, Study Russian|

On June 8, a children's party was held at the Russian House. The little ones came to their first fun lesson. The teacher was not strict at all but very cheerful, Catherine. Katya held classes for the little ones who do not know how to read yet. They were in for an exciting introduction to the letters. Catherine had prepared many interesting games to attract the attention of the young students. – Kids, today we will become friends with the letters! – Katya announced with a smile. The children looked at the bright pictures with interest, repeated the sounds [...]

1 07, 2024

Children’s Club: “Young Talent”

2024-07-01T14:14:18+02:00July 1st, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

On June 8, a solo concert by the young talented pianist Alexandra Long took place in the concert hall of the Russian House. The girl has been in love with music since childhood. As an infant, she loved to play with bells. There were seven of them, and each had a different sound. By eight months old, she could unmistakably recognize which bell was ringing. At the age of four, Sasha began to try her hand at the piano, and her mother had no choice but to invite a teacher for her. In addition to music, Alexandra loved [...]

18 06, 2024

By the Wish of the Fairy Fish, by my own will…

2024-06-18T12:54:44+02:00June 18th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

On Saturday, June 15th, the season of the Children's Club was closed with a screening of the fairy tale film " Wish of the Fairy Fish." The film " Wish of the Fairy Fish " is an exciting movie that tells the story of the unusual and magical events in the life of the main character, Emelya. The plot is based on a well-known Russian folk tale, but the director's vision and modern technology have made it brighter and more captivating. Despite his age, Emelya remains a child at heart, leading him to the events that helped him not [...]

10 06, 2024

Literary Salon: “He who is in no hurry manages everywhere” M. Bulgakov

2024-06-10T12:41:30+02:00June 10th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

Our May literary salon was dedicated to the work of Mikhail Bulgakov. World fame came to this writer, strangely enough, after his death when his novel "The Master and Margarita" was published. Mikhail was born on May 15, 1981, but he never celebrated his birthday exactly on May 15. On which day did Bulgakov celebrate his birthday: May 14 May 16 Did not celebrate at all Despite starting his literary career very early, Bulgakov trained in the epistolary genre in high school but dreamed of becoming a doctor because "it is [...]

4 06, 2024

Literary blogs: «If virtue cannot exist, then at least vice must be punished.» (A. Belyaev)

2024-06-04T15:07:52+02:00June 4th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News, Russian language, Science|

This March marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of Russian and Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev. In Soviet times, Alexander Belyaev’s books were read not only by adults, but also by teenagers. Somehow it happened that he smoothly «moved» into the category of writers recommended for middle and senior school age. This is how the members of the literary salon were perceived when they were invited to turn to the work of this writer. Retreat: Our literary salons are held in a warm, friendly atmosphere with a cup of tea and delicious cookies. Join us. In fact, [...]

28 05, 2024

Cinema Club + Family: The Humpbacked Horse

2024-05-28T12:57:36+02:00May 28th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

In April of this year, our movie club screened a Russian adventure fantasy based on the world-famous fairy tale by Pyotr Yershov, "The Humpbacked Horse." Screenwriter Alexey Borodachev, in collaboration with director Oleg Pogodin, aimed to convey the magical world of Pyotr Yershov, skillfully weaving contemporary Russian modernism into the plot. It must be said that they succeeded, as the film became one of the top-grossing movies. Of course, the success would not have been possible without the performances of actors such as Anton Shagin and Paulina Andreeva. The old man had three sons: The eldest was a smart lad, [...]

23 05, 2024

Children’s Club: The Tale of How the Children Prepared for Easter

2024-05-23T18:26:24+02:00May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

This happened not too long ago. We decided to come up with something original for Easter: something fun for the children and unusual, but without magic. "How about I teach the children to decorate eggs with napkins?" suggested Irina Panteleeva. The children know and love her well. "Let's give it a try!" We posted an announcement, and then it all began... Unfortunately, our capabilities are limited, and we couldn't accommodate everyone who wanted to join. Everyone who signed up came. Adults also decided to participate in this exciting activity. First, we handed out napkins. They were different and for [...]

16 05, 2024

The Victory Dictation

2024-05-16T15:52:50+02:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots|

From April 26 to 28, 2024, the international historical event "Victory Dictation" dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War took place. Brief historical note. The Victory Dictation was first held on May 7, 2019, and was dedicated to the 74th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The event took place in 24 countries, including Russia. The number of participants exceeded 150,000 people. Subsequently, it was decided to hold the Victory Dictation annually. Participants were offered 25 rather challenging questions. Some questions related to the depiction of events from 1941-1945 in literature and cinema. [...]

23 04, 2024

Books in our library: Vadim Shefner’s “Sister of Sorrow”

2024-04-23T17:25:37+02:00April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear friends, today I present to you the novel by Russian Soviet prose writer, poet, translator, fantasist, journalist, and frontline correspondent Vadim Shefner - "Sister of Sorrow". Excerpt from the novel: "I said goodbye to Veranda, got on the tram, and headed to Vasilievsky Island. But upon getting off the tram, I didn't go straight home. On days when something unpleasant happened, I liked to wander the streets - it made me feel better. The city was my old friend, and it always helped me in its own quiet way. It didn't interfere with my sorrows - it silently took [...]

18 04, 2024

Books in our library: adventure novels by Gustave Aimard.

2024-04-18T15:08:51+02:00April 18th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear friends, let me introduce you to Gustave Aimard - a French writer, author of adventure novels, one of the classics of the western genre. For all who love historical suspenseful prose in the style of Dean Reed or Fenimore Cooper. An excerpt from Gustave Aimard's novel "Sacramenta". The stranger headed towards where our friends were sitting, casually nodded to them, and took a seat on the opposite side of the table. Without wasting a moment, he began to rap his fist on the table, intending to attract the attention of the drowsy owner. The latter woke up and, reluctantly [...]

16 04, 2024

The books in our library: ‘Yuri Andropov: The Last Hope of the Regime’ by Yuri Mlechin.

2024-04-16T15:14:14+02:00April 16th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Some circumstances of Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov's birth, as well as information about his parents, have remained somewhat unclear, giving rise to numerous rumors and legends. Yuri Andropov wrote in his questionnaires that he was born on June 15, 1914, at Nagutskaya Station in the Stavropol Province. Nowadays, this village is Solu-Dmitrisvskoye in the Andropovsky District. According to his closest assistant, Kryuchkov, Andropov was actually born a year later. Yuri Vladimirovich added a year to himself to be accepted into a technical school that offered scholarships. Interestingly, Kryuchkov's words seem to be a legend, as an authentic birth certificate issued to [...]

2 04, 2024

Literary Blog: “You know, there are so few happy encounters in this world…”

2024-04-02T19:11:23+02:00April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

The March literary salon was dedicated to the cycle of stories by I. Bunin, "Dark Alleys." It was not accidental that after discussing Nabokov's works, we shifted to Bunin. These two prominent figures in classical Russian literature were creative rivals. While Nabokov was repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize, Bunin was the one who received it. Initially, the relationship between Bunin and Nabokov wasn't so hostile. Their correspondence was quite amicable. In the 1920s, Bunin was a living embodiment of Russian literature for young writers. They started corresponding after Nabokov's father, who was acquainted with Bunin, asked him to review [...]

26 03, 2024

Komi-Permyak Epic: Kudym-Osh

2024-03-26T17:19:03+01:00March 26th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

Dear friends, we conclude our series dedicated to the Komi-Permyak epic. Today, we will tell the story of Kudym-Osh, a legendary hero after whom the capital of the Komi-Permyak district, Kudymkar, is named. 'Osh' translates from Komi-Permyak as 'bear.' На фото праздничный женский костюм иньвенских коми-пермяков. Кон. XIX – нач. XX в. Фрагмент экспозиции КПОКМ. 2005 According to legend, Kudym-Osh was the son of a powerful witch and a bear. His father was a leader and priest among the Inven Komi-Permyaks. A brief aside: the Inven Komi-Permyaks are a people living on the banks [...]

21 03, 2024


2024-03-21T16:45:38+01:00March 21st, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Education in Russia, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Our Programs, performance|

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE VI INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION "TELL THE WORLD ABOUT YOUR MOTHERLAND!" Entries are accepted until April 10, 2024. Competition organizer: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Innovative Center for Development and Education of Children and Youth" with the support of the Committee of the State Duma on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rossotrudnichestvo, the "Russian World" Fund, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), and the Russian Patriotism Center. The competition "Tell the World About Your Motherland" is a project aimed at patriotic education of children and youth and forming friendly international relations between the younger [...]

19 03, 2024

“Indulge the children more, gentlemen, you do not know what awaits them!” – Vladimir Nabokov, “Other Shores”

2024-03-19T12:52:08+01:00March 19th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

March 5th marked our second literary salon dedicated to the works of Vladimir Nabokov. This time, our focus was not so much on his creations but rather on his life journey and the circumstances that influenced the plotlines of his novels. I must say that this time I was merely an audience member. Two passionate readers and members of our literary salon prepared an entire presentation. I knew they were preparing something, but I never expected it to be of such magnitude. Here are some highlights from the presentation. Vladimir Nabokov was born on April 10 (22), 1899, in [...]

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