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509, 2024

Children’s Club: How We Spent the Last Day of Summer.

September 5th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

On August 31, there was real fun in the yard of our Russian house. There were several reasons for this. Firstly, it was a reunion of old friends. It's no secret that many people have made friends at our events. And what could be more enjoyable than playing, singing a favorite song, or drawing on the pavement together? Secondly, it [...]

309, 2024

Sightseeing Tour of Kolomenskoye

September 3rd, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

On August 29, a sightseeing tour of the Moscow State Integrated Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye," dedicated to the 100th anniversary of its founding, took place on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. Participants had the opportunity to connect with the rich history of one of the oldest places in Moscow. Kolomenskoye is known for its archaeological monuments, which testify to the presence of humans here since the Stone [...]

309, 2024

Family Club + Cinema : “Cheburashka” – A Heartwarming Family Film

September 3rd, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

Dear friends, the summer holidays have come to an end. To make parting with summer less sad, we decided to delight our young visitors and their parents with the fairy tale film "Cheburashka" (2023). To be honest, we were a bit anxious: would the audience come? Our concern was understandable: it was a sunny Saturday. But it turned out our worries were in vain. The audience didn’t miss the [...]

2008, 2024

“One must write so that words burst like cartridges in a fire.” — V.M. Shukshin

August 20th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was a bright and multifaceted figure in Soviet culture. Born on July 25, 1929, in the village of Srostki, Altai Krai, he grew up under challenging circumstances, with his father being repressed and his mother raising him alone. Through perseverance, Shukshin became one of the most renowned writers, directors, and actors of his time. Shukshin entered literature in the late 1950s, publishing his [...]

608, 2024

Meteorites and extraterrestrial matter were discussed at “Innovation Night” meeting in Brussels

August 6th, 2024|Categories: Education in Russia, Meet Russia, Russian House News, Science, Yuri Gagarin|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Victor Grokhovsky Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD). Ural Federal University, Institute of Physics and Technology, EXTRA TERRA CONSORTIUM laboratory. Member of the Committee on Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the International Meteoritical Society On the 1st of August 2024 in the Russian House in Brussels was held a lecture-"round table", which was held by Professor Viktor [...]

1407, 2024

In Brussels, a Festive Evening Dedicated to the Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity Took Place

July 14th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On July 11, a festive evening dedicated to the Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity, which is celebrated in Russia on July 8, was held at the Russian House in Brussels. The event was organized as part of the Year of the Family, announced for 2024. This significant day is dedicated to the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are revered as patrons of family and marriage. The [...]

907, 2024

Russian Education Explained: the Law Institute of RUDN University

July 9th, 2024|Categories: Education in Russia, Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , , , , |

On 28 June the Law Institute of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) together with the Russian Centre for Science and Culture (Russian House) in Brussels held an online videoconference with the presentation of educational programmes and admission rules. The speakers at the meeting were: Dr Freddy Agonoud, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law at the RUDN Law Institute. 2. Tatiana [...]

207, 2024

Kid’s Club: “Fun Lessons”

July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News, Russian language, Study Russian|

On June 8, a children's party was held at the Russian House. The little ones came to their first fun lesson. The teacher was not strict at all but very cheerful, Catherine. Katya held classes for the little ones who do not know how to read yet. They were in for an exciting introduction to the letters. Catherine had prepared many interesting games to attract the attention of the [...]

107, 2024

Children’s Club: “Young Talent”

July 1st, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

On June 8, a solo concert by the young talented pianist Alexandra Long took place in the concert hall of the Russian House. The girl has been in love with music since childhood. As an infant, she loved to play with bells. There were seven of them, and each had a different sound. By eight months old, she could unmistakably recognize which bell was ringing. At the age [...]

107, 2024

Pushkin’s Anniversary in Brussels: How the Russian House Celebrated the Great Poet’s 225th Birthday

July 1st, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Meet Russia, Poushkin, Russian House News|Tags: |

This spring, a grand celebration of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin's anniversary took place at the Russian House in Brussels. In honor of the great poet's 225th birthday, a variety of events were held, each offering unforgettable experiences to the guests. The festivities began with a family event titled "The Pushkin Family in Russia and Belgium," where guests learned about the Pushkin family's history and their legacy in Belgium. One of the [...]

2706, 2024

Online Tour of the Russian Museum “Russian Avant-Garde”

June 27th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , , , , |

On June 25, the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels hosted an online tour of the largest museum of Russian fine arts, dedicated to the Russian avant-garde, the most vivid chapter in the history of Russian art. The tour was conducted by Valentina Gorlova, head of the excursion and lecture department of the Russian Museum. Viewers got acquainted with the works of the founders of the Russian [...]

2706, 2024

The exhibition of compatriots “Slavic Kaleidoscope” concluded its run in Brussels

June 27th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Poushkin, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

From May 22 to June 25, 2024, the art exhibition "Slavic Kaleidoscope" took place with great success at the Russian House in Brussels. The exhibition was dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, as well as the 225th anniversary of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. "Slavic Kaleidoscope" continued the cycle of exhibitions "Artistic Kaleidoscope" and presented works by our compatriots, including photographs, paintings, graphics, and [...]

2006, 2024

In Brussels, an exhibition “Pushkin and Moscow” opened on the 225th anniversary of the great Russian poet

June 20th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Poushkin, Russian language|Tags: , , |

On June 19, the "Pushkin and Moscow" exhibition, organized by the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin from Moscow, opened at the Russian House in Brussels. The event, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, gathered a large number of visitors, including both Belgians interested in Russian culture and compatriots living abroad. The exhibition features a unique collection that allows guests [...]

2006, 2024

Premiere of the movie “Onegin” at the Russian House in Brussels

June 20th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News, Russian language|

On June 19, 2024, the long-awaited premiere of the feature film "Onegin", directed by Sarik Andreasyan and released in March 2024, took place at the Russian House in Brussels. This event was dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Alexander Pushkin and gathered admirers of Russian culture and cinema. "Onegin" impressed viewers with its visual richness, deep psychological exploration, and accurate recreation of [...]

1806, 2024

Festive Evening for Russia Day “Eternal Music, Young Music” held at the Russian House in Brussels

June 18th, 2024|Categories: Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On June 13, soloists from the St. Petersburg Music House, led by People's Artist of Russia, Professor Sergey Roldugin, performed with great success at the Russian House in Brussels as part of the "Embassy of Mastery" project. The program featured young talented soloists, laureates of international competitions: Grigory Filipchenko (cello), Anastasia Klyuchereva (piano), and Azalia Nogmanova (flute). This musical evening became a bright event, allowing the audience to enjoy [...]

1806, 2024

By the Wish of the Fairy Fish, by my own will…

June 18th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

On Saturday, June 15th, the season of the Children's Club was closed with a screening of the fairy tale film " Wish of the Fairy Fish." The film " Wish of the Fairy Fish " is an exciting movie that tells the story of the unusual and magical events in the life of the main character, Emelya. The plot is based on a well-known Russian folk tale, but [...]

1306, 2024

225 Years of Pushkin: Illustrations for “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” on Fabric Panels

June 13th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Library, Meet Russia, Poushkin, Russian House News|Tags: , |

Natalya Maraeva created a stunning series of 12 fabric patchwork panels dedicated to Alexander Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan." These unique works of art were made in honor of the 225th anniversary of the great poet and were exhibited at the "Slavic Kaleidoscope" exhibition at the Russian House in Brussels. The talented artist used fabric patches to create colorful illustrations that convey the magic and atmosphere of the [...]

1306, 2024

A mural was created for the Russian House in Brussels for Pushkin’s 225th Anniversary

June 13th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Library, Meet Russia, Poushkin, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

To commemorate the 225th anniversary of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, artist Anna Burkovskaya created a vibrant and impressive mural on the facade of the Russian House in Brussels. Anna decided to embody symbols of Russian culture and history in the mural. At the center of the composition is Pushkin himself, whose work is an integral part of world literature. Next to the poet in the mural [...]

1006, 2024

Festive Evening “Pushkin and Glinka: Two Geniuses – One Era” Held in Brussels

June 10th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Poushkin, Russian House News, Russian language|Tags: , , , |

To commemorate the 225th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin and the 220th anniversary of M.I. Glinka, as well as the International Day of the Russian Language. June 2024 was a significant month for global and Russian culture. In this month, two outstanding figures were born, five years apart, whose works became the foundation of Russian literature and music, based on national traditions of folklore, history, and the character of the [...]

1006, 2024

Laying flowers at the Pushkin monument located in Pushkin Square in the Laeken district.

June 10th, 2024|Categories: Meet Russia, Poushkin, Russian House News|Tags: , , , , |

In Brussels, the staff of the Russian House celebrated the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. To mark this significant date, they laid flowers at the Pushkin monument located in Pushkin Square in the Laeken district. The event highlighted the poet's enduring significance and influence on world literature. After the flower-laying ceremony, the staff of the Russian House congratulated the direct descendants of [...]

1006, 2024

Literary Salon: “He who is in no hurry manages everywhere” M. Bulgakov

June 10th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

Our May literary salon was dedicated to the work of Mikhail Bulgakov. World fame came to this writer, strangely enough, after his death when his novel "The Master and Margarita" was published. Mikhail was born on May 15, 1981, but he never celebrated his birthday exactly on May 15. On which day did Bulgakov celebrate his birthday: May 14 May 16 Did not celebrate [...]

1006, 2024

Virtual Journey to Russia at the Exhibition-Forum “Russia”

June 10th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Russian House News, Science|Tags: , , , |

On May 24, the Russian Society "Znanie" organized an online tour of the International Exhibition-Forum "Russia," held at VDNH, on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. This large-scale event brings together the achievements of all regions of the country, presenting them in 132 exhibitions. As part of the online tour, Roman Bogatyrev, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Director of the Program Department of the Russian Society [...]

706, 2024

Online Tour around the Palace of Tsar Alexey Romanov at Kolomenskoe Eighth «Wonder of the World»

June 7th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , , , , |

On June 28, a unique online tour of Tsar Alexei Romanov’s palace, known as "The Eighth Wonder of the World," took place on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. The event, conducted by the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, was streamed live and attracted numerous participants from around the world. During the video tour, viewers learned about the history of the wooden palace’s construction in Kolomenskoe during the reign [...]

406, 2024

Literary blogs: «If virtue cannot exist, then at least vice must be punished.» (A. Belyaev)

June 4th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News, Russian language, Science|

This March marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of Russian and Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev. In Soviet times, Alexander Belyaev’s books were read not only by adults, but also by teenagers. Somehow it happened that he smoothly «moved» into the category of writers recommended for middle and senior school age. This is how the members of the literary salon were perceived when they were invited to [...]

2905, 2024

Slavic Writing and Culture Day Celebrated in Brussels

May 29th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News, Russian language|Tags: , , , |

On May 22, the Russian House in Brussels became the center of the celebration of Slavic Writing and Culture Day, presenting guests with a unique program called "The Songs of the Spring Calendar" performed by the Folk Music Ensemble “Zolotoj plyos”. The event gathered numerous spectators eager to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of Slavic traditions and cultural heritage. The evening’s program began with traditional spring period songs, covering [...]

2805, 2024

Cinema Club + Family: The Humpbacked Horse

May 28th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

In April of this year, our movie club screened a Russian adventure fantasy based on the world-famous fairy tale by Pyotr Yershov, "The Humpbacked Horse." Screenwriter Alexey Borodachev, in collaboration with director Oleg Pogodin, aimed to convey the magical world of Pyotr Yershov, skillfully weaving contemporary Russian modernism into the plot. It must be said that they succeeded, as the film became one of the top-grossing movies. Of course, [...]

2405, 2024

Children decorated the windows of the Russian House with symbols of remembrance as part of the “Windows of Remembrance” campaign

May 24th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Kids Club, Library, Russian House News|Tags: , |

Young guests of the Russian House in Brussels enthusiastically took part in the international campaign "Windows of Remembrance". As part of this event, they cut out symbols of the Victory Day, such as cranes, doves and St George's ribbons. They carefully coloured and pasted these symbols on the windows of the Russian House. The action was aimed at drawing attention to important historical events and preserving the memory of [...]

2305, 2024

Children’s Club: The Tale of How the Children Prepared for Easter

May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

This happened not too long ago. We decided to come up with something original for Easter: something fun for the children and unusual, but without magic. "How about I teach the children to decorate eggs with napkins?" suggested Irina Panteleeva. The children know and love her well. "Let's give it a try!" We posted an announcement, and then it all began... Unfortunately, our capabilities are limited, and we couldn't [...]

2305, 2024

With Russian Roots: The Pushkin Family in Russia and Belgium

May 23rd, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Poushkin, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , , |

We continue to present the history of famous Russian families in Belgium - and this time one of the most famous families in Russia, the family of Alexander Pushkin, the greatest of Russian poets. His direct descendants - the poet's great-grandson and the last bearer of the Pushkin family name Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin and his wife Maria Alexandrovna Pushkin-Durnovo, who is also a direct descendant of Nikolai Gogol, now [...]

2205, 2024

The Russian House in Brussels showcased “Courier” by Karen Shakhnazarov

May 22nd, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On May 21, the Russian House in Belgium held the second screening as part of the retrospective of films by director Karen Shakhnazarov, dedicated to the centenary of the Mosfilm film studio. Belgian viewers were able to watch the film "Courier." The story of a young man searching for his path in life during the early days of perestroika in Russia resonated with the audience and sparked a lively [...]

1705, 2024

The “Garden of Memory” action

May 17th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: |

On May 13, 2024, the "Garden of Memory" action was held on the territory of the Russian Embassy in Belgium. The school students planted young lilac bushes as a symbol of Victory! It was with branches of lilacs in their hands that in May 1945 they welcomed Soviet soldiers-liberators returning home! We honor this tradition, and from year to year new bushes take root on the territory of Belgium, which [...]

1705, 2024

A memorial flower laying ceremony was held at the Brussels Memorial Cemetery in Ixelles, Brussels

May 17th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Our Compatriots, Russian House News|Tags: |

A memorial flower laying ceremony was held at the Brussels Memorial Cemetery in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium on May 8, 2024. There are graves of Russian participants of the resistance movement of Belgium. Among them is the grave of "Belgian Joan of Arc" Marina Alexandrovna Shafrova-Marutayeva. On December 8, 1941 Marina in the center of Brussels killed the deputy German military commandant Major Kruge and escaped. The Germans, infuriated by [...]

1605, 2024

The Victory Dictation

May 16th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots|

From April 26 to 28, 2024, the international historical event "Victory Dictation" dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War took place. Brief historical note. The Victory Dictation was first held on May 7, 2019, and was dedicated to the 74th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The event took place in 24 countries, including Russia. The number of participants exceeded 150,000 people. Subsequently, it was [...]

1505, 2024

The “Garden of Remembrance” action took place in the Belgian city of Genk

May 15th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory|Tags: , |

Morning of 10 May. The largest burial site of Soviet prisoners of war in Belgium. In the Belgian city of Genk, the "Garden of Remembrance" action took place. Indifferent compatriots, employees of the Russian House in Brussels and representatives of public organisations gathered to honour the memory of the fallen and plant young lilac bushes on the territory of the burial ground. The Garden of Memory campaign aims to create [...]

1405, 2024

For the centenary of Mosfilm and Victory Day, “White Tiger” was shown in Brussels

May 14th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: |

On May 13, as part of film screenings commemorating the 100th anniversary of Russia's largest film studio, Mosfilm, and Victory Day, the film "White Tiger" directed by Mosfilm's director, Karen Shakhnazarov, was screened at the Russian House cinema club in Belgium. In his video address to Belgian viewers, Karen Georgievich emphasized the relevance of the film in modern realities and congratulated all viewers on Victory Day. The Russian House [...]

1305, 2024

Actions “Candle of Memory” and “All-Russian Minute of Silence”

May 13th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , |

The 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War On May 7, at the Russian Center in Brussels, the "Candle of Memory" and "All-Russian Minute of Silence" actions took place, accompanied by the beats of a metronome - a tribute to those who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland, to whom we owe our lives. Burning candles are a symbol of mourning for the departed heroes, [...]

1305, 2024

Action “St. George Ribbon”

May 13th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , |

The 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War On April 24, 2024, the annual All-Russian action "St. George Ribbon" started. The action aims to preserve the memory of the warriors who died in defense of the Motherland and is dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In anticipation of the Victory Day celebration, compatriots living in Belgium and foreigners joined [...]

1305, 2024

The music and poetry evening “Music of Our Memory,” dedicated to Victory Day, took place at the Russian House in Brussels

May 13th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Music and poetry surrounded people on the front lines and in the rear, giving them the strength to endure the most difficult times. Accompanied by scenes from favorite movies, we heard familiar verses and songs of wartime, as well as poems and songs dedicated to the "great years." We marked the centenary of the birth of such well-known [...]

1305, 2024

An evening with Nikolai Tsiskaridze took place at the Russian House in Brussels

May 13th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

An evening with Nikolai Tsiskaridze at the Russian House in Brussels turned out to be an exciting event, during which his autobiography "MY THEATER" was presented. On April 27, the hall was filled with guests eager to hear stories from the life of the outstanding artist. Nikolai Tsiskaridze is not only a great ballet master but also a skilled storyteller. His autobiography is based on personal records, which makes [...]

1005, 2024

Laying flowers at a cemetery in Evere, Belgium.

May 10th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Our Compatriots|Tags: |

On May 9, Victory Day, solemn ceremonies of laying flowers at the graves of citizens who died during the Second World War were held in all corners of the world. The central event in Belgium was the laying of wreaths at the monuments of Soviet citizens who died in Belgium and participants of the Belgian Resistance The ceremony, held at the cemetery of the municipality of Evere, was attended [...]

2304, 2024

Books in our library: Vadim Shefner’s “Sister of Sorrow”

April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear friends, today I present to you the novel by Russian Soviet prose writer, poet, translator, fantasist, journalist, and frontline correspondent Vadim Shefner - "Sister of Sorrow". Excerpt from the novel: "I said goodbye to Veranda, got on the tram, and headed to Vasilievsky Island. But upon getting off the tram, I didn't go straight home. On days when something unpleasant happened, I liked to wander the streets - [...]

2204, 2024

The presentation of the new album by Russian actor and singer Vadim Piankov, “BREL 2024,” took place in Brussels in Russian and French languages

April 22nd, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , , |

To commemorate the 95th anniversary of the Belgian francophone poet, bard, actor, and director Jacques Brel. On April 18th, at the Russian House in Brussels, Vadim Piankov, a Russian actor, songwriter, and performer, presented his new album "BREL 2024".   This year marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of Jacques Brel, a francophone singer-songwriter of Flemish origin who left a significant mark on the history of French song [...]

1804, 2024

Books in our library: adventure novels by Gustave Aimard.

April 18th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear friends, let me introduce you to Gustave Aimard - a French writer, author of adventure novels, one of the classics of the western genre. For all who love historical suspenseful prose in the style of Dean Reed or Fenimore Cooper. An excerpt from Gustave Aimard's novel "Sacramenta". The stranger headed towards where our friends were sitting, casually nodded to them, and took a seat on the opposite side [...]

1804, 2024

Virtual tour of the “Samara Cosmic” Museum

April 18th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Yuri Gagarin|Tags: , , , , |

On the occasion of Cosmonautics Day and the 90th anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin, a virtual tour took place at the Museum and Exhibition Center "Samara Cosmic" (a temporary site of the museum at the GudOK shopping center). During the tour, viewers were introduced to models of spacecraft, samples of structural elements used in rocket construction, astronaut nutrition, and space suits. [...]

1604, 2024

The books in our library: ‘Yuri Andropov: The Last Hope of the Regime’ by Yuri Mlechin.

April 16th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Some circumstances of Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov's birth, as well as information about his parents, have remained somewhat unclear, giving rise to numerous rumors and legends. Yuri Andropov wrote in his questionnaires that he was born on June 15, 1914, at Nagutskaya Station in the Stavropol Province. Nowadays, this village is Solu-Dmitrisvskoye in the Andropovsky District. According to his closest assistant, Kryuchkov, Andropov was actually born a year later. Yuri [...]

1504, 2024

At the Russian House cinema club in Brussels took place the screenings dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

April 15th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

In honor of Cosmonautics Day, the documentary film "How I Became a Cosmonaut" by RT was shown at the Russian House cinema club in Brussels. This is the story of an ordinary office manager who decided to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a cosmonaut. On April 11, guests of the Russian House watched his adventures on Earth and in orbit, noting the high level of filming and the [...]

204, 2024

Literary Blog: “You know, there are so few happy encounters in this world…”

April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

The March literary salon was dedicated to the cycle of stories by I. Bunin, "Dark Alleys." It was not accidental that after discussing Nabokov's works, we shifted to Bunin. These two prominent figures in classical Russian literature were creative rivals. While Nabokov was repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize, Bunin was the one who received it. Initially, the relationship between Bunin and Nabokov wasn't so hostile. Their correspondence was [...]

104, 2024

For the 215th anniversary of Gogol, “Viy” was shown at the Russian House in Brussels

April 1st, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On March 29, the Russian House Cinema Club in Brussels hosted a screening dedicated to the 215th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. The Belgian audience watched the "only Soviet horror film" - "Viy", based on the writer's story of the same name. The film, made in 1967 by Konstantin Yershov and Georgi Kropachyov with the participation of the famous director and storyteller [...]

2903, 2024

The vernissage of the photo exhibition “RePETITion” took place in Brussels

March 29th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|

On March 27, 2024 in the exhibition halls of the Russian House in Brussels in cooperation with the Bakhrushinsky Theatre Museum the opening of the photo exhibition dedicated to Roland Petit took place. Dilya Rudenko, Head of the International Department of the Bakhrushinsky Theater Museum, candidate of philological sciences, curator of the exhibition, welcomed the guests and briefly told about Roland Petit. [...]

2803, 2024

The presentation of Dr. Mikael Askil Guedj’s book was held at the Russian House in Brussels

March 28th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News, Science|

On March 22, a lecture-presentation of his new book was held at the Russian House in Brussels by Mikael Askil Gouege, MD, Head of the Ophthalmology Department of the Vernet Institute in Paris, a well-known French eye surgeon. At the same time, a video bridge was organized with the North Ossetian State Medical Academy, whose professors, students and postgraduates also took part in this interesting event. Rector of the Academy, [...]

2603, 2024

Komi-Permyak Epic: Kudym-Osh

March 26th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

Dear friends, we conclude our series dedicated to the Komi-Permyak epic. Today, we will tell the story of Kudym-Osh, a legendary hero after whom the capital of the Komi-Permyak district, Kudymkar, is named. 'Osh' translates from Komi-Permyak as 'bear.' На фото праздничный женский костюм иньвенских коми-пермяков. Кон. XIX – нач. XX в. Фрагмент экспозиции КПОКМ. 2005 According to legend, Kudym-Osh was the son [...]

2503, 2024

Museum Day. Virtual excursion ” Fyodor Schechtel – Moscow architect”

March 25th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

To the 165th anniversary of the creator of Russian Art Nouveau in architecture Fyodor Shekhtel. On March 21, the online lecture "Fyodor Shekhtel - Moscow architect" was held on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels in cooperation with the A. Shchusev Museum of Architecture (Moscow) The speaker, Anna Kistanova, Director and Chief Curator of the Melnikov Museum, told about Fyodor Shechtel (1859-1926) - one of the [...]

2503, 2024

Concert of soloists of the St. Petersburg House of Music was held in Brussels

March 25th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , , |

"Embassy of Excellence" to the anniversaries of Mussorgsky and Rimsky-Korsakov. On March 19, soloists of the St. Petersburg House of Music under the direction of Professor Sergey Roldugin, People's Artist of Russia, performed with great success at the Russian House in Brussels as part of the Embassy of Excellence project. The program featured young talented soloists, laureates of international competitions: harpist Ekaterina Dvoretskaya, pianist Alexander Kashpurin, clarinetist Philip Createlev [...]

2403, 2024

Maslenitsa was celebrated in Belgium

March 24th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On March 14, 2024, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a culinary workshop " Razgulyay the Maslenitsa " on pancake making. Tatiana Hachimi presented this popular treat in the spirit of Fusion Food, using a wide range of flavors from the four corners of the globe. In fact, pancakes are a universal recipe that can be found in China, Morocco, Brittany and Russia, not forgetting [...]

2403, 2024

International Women’s Day was celebrated in Brussels

March 24th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On March 6, 2024 the Russian House in Brussels together with its friends celebrated the holiday of spring and love. Performed by an outstanding musician, professor of piano at the Luka School of Arts (Leuven) - Timur Sergeyenia, "The Seasons" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the most popular pieces of classical music, filled our hearts with beauty and hope. [...]

2403, 2024

Gastrodiplomacy” and the secrets of making “Olivier” salad were introduced in Brussels

March 24th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On February 27, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a lecture "Introduction to Gastrodiplomacy" In the history of mankind, food has always been more than just a means to satisfy hunger. Wars have often been fought over it, but on the other hand, it has been used to establish ties, seal contracts and marriages. What is the socio-cultural role of food today? Does it retain its [...]

2103, 2024


March 21st, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Education in Russia, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Our Programs, performance|

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE VI INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION "TELL THE WORLD ABOUT YOUR MOTHERLAND!" Entries are accepted until April 10, 2024. Competition organizer: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Innovative Center for Development and Education of Children and Youth" with the support of the Committee of the State Duma on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rossotrudnichestvo, the "Russian World" Fund, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), and [...]

1903, 2024

“Indulge the children more, gentlemen, you do not know what awaits them!” – Vladimir Nabokov, “Other Shores”

March 19th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

March 5th marked our second literary salon dedicated to the works of Vladimir Nabokov. This time, our focus was not so much on his creations but rather on his life journey and the circumstances that influenced the plotlines of his novels. I must say that this time I was merely an audience member. Two passionate readers and members of our literary salon prepared an entire presentation. I knew they [...]

1403, 2024

Kid’s Club: “Can I make two leaves, and then a flower?”

March 14th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Russian House News|

At the March meeting of our children's club, a master class dedicated to the wonderful spring holiday of March 8th took place. With this holiday, spring comes into our lives. It has become customary that starting from kindergarten, we make gifts for our mothers, sisters, grandmothers. So we decided not to forget our traditions. Many children came. However, our master classes are popular: firstly, they are conducted by professionals [...]

1203, 2024

Literary blog: “…I myself am only a seeker of verbal adventures…” V. Nabokov “The Gift”

March 12th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News, Russian language|

On the last day of February, admirers of Vladimir Nabokov's works gathered in the premises of our library. The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the surname of this great writer is "Lolita." In fact, it is one of his works. Yes, the most famous one due to its scandalous non-triviality. So, we decided to move away from the accepted stereotypes and talk about other, no [...]

1103, 2024

The Cinema Club showed “Anna Karenina” on International Women’s Day

March 11th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On March 7, 2024, on the occasion of International Women's Day, the Russian House film club in Brussels hosted a screening of director Alexander Zarkhi's film "Anna Karenina." The classic adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's world-renowned novel attracted fans of Russian cinema, both Belgians and compatriots of the great writer. The tragedy of the main character left no one indifferent among those present. Fiery debates after the screening during the [...]

703, 2024

Dedicated to the 225th anniversary of Pushkin!

March 7th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Poushkin, Russian language|

September 30, 1833 A.S. Pushkin visited the Orenburg province. The purpose of this trip was to collect materials about Pugachev. At that time, Alexander Sergeevich decided to write both a historical essay about Pugachev and a novel from the era of the Pugachev uprising. This is in our time: make a couple of mouse clicks and you will get more or less reliable information, but then everything was much [...]

503, 2024

Yoma and Chacha (Komi-Permyak fairy tale) (ending)

March 5th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

The first part of the tale is here. The second one is here. Слезла Чача с дерева, набрала в туесок молока, пошла к Ёме добывать бердо. - Славные коровы у тебя, Ёма, молочные и не норовистые. Вот тебе молоко, а мне давай наше бердо. Бабушка, знать, уже ругает меня. - Очень скоро ты вернулась, - говорит Ёма. - Я не успела доткать. Садись за кросна и кончай тканье, [...]

2902, 2024

Yoma and Chacha (Komi-Permyak fairy tale) – 2

February 29th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News|

Read the first part of the story here - Занято ваше бердо. Сейчас я буду ткать, а ты о ту пору сходи на ближнюю полянку да накорми моих кур. - А чем их накормить? - Стань посреди поляны и скажи: «Куть-куть, ешьте что помягче да послаще». Побежала Чача на ближнюю поляну и хотела уж Ёминых кур позвать, да вспомнила добрую старушку, что живет у болота, к ней завернула. [...]

2802, 2024

“28 Panfilov’s Men” was shown in Brussels

February 28th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, History & Memory, Russian House News|

The CineClub of the Russian House showed  Andrey Shalopa's film “28 Panfilov’s Men”, which tells the story of the immortal feat of the soldiers of Ivan Panfilov's division. In the autumn of 1941, German units standing near Volokolamsk were separated from Moscow, some two hours along the highway. However, on this highway was the 316-I Infantry Division, under the command of General I.V. Panfilov. This commander had such high [...]

2702, 2024

Yoma and Chacha (Komi-Permyak fairy tale)

February 27th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, Kids Club, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia|

Dear friends, you know that more than 200 peoples and ethnic groups live in Russia. And every people, every land has its own history, its own legends and its own fairy tales. In the north of the Urals, among dense forests, marshy swamps and high mountains, live the Komi-Permyaks. They speak the Komi-Permyak language, which belongs to the Finno-Ugric language group. You all know the expression: “We are from [...]

2002, 2024

Literary Blog: “- Are we strangers?! Strange?!” S. Knyazev

February 20th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

On February 13 of this year, the guest of our literary salon was Stepan Knyazev and his musician friends. For those who closely follow the news of our Russian House, this name is already familiar. His magnificent works are currently on display in our exhibition hall: But as it turned out, he not only gives new life to old bicycles in a different guise but also writes beautiful [...]

1902, 2024

Medicine, Belgian Resistance, Russian Philology… The History of the Blankoffs in Belgium

February 19th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|

On February 15, 2024 at the Russian House in Brussels, in the framework of the project "With Russian roots", an event (evening of memory) was held dedicated to the Russian-Belgian family Blankov, who made a great contribution to the Russian-speaking community in Belgium. Boris Osipovich Blankov was a famous surgeon and president of the Belgian Orthopedic Society, and before that, during World War I, a volunteer of the Russian [...]

1502, 2024

Apply for the International Music Festival “The Road to Yalta 2024”

February 15th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|

The international music festival "Road to Yalta 2024" will be held in Moscow on April 28 (semi-final) and May 1 (final) 2024 on the small and large stages of the Moscow State Kremlin Palace respectively. The aim of the project is to preserve historical memory and continuity of generations, to overcome the stamps of foreign propaganda and to build an international dialog by means of "musical diplomacy". Through the [...]

1302, 2024

Kid’s club: I am charmed by these children.

February 13th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Science|

On Saturday, February 10, a master class took place, which was announced as Samodelkin. персонаж: Нина Бенашвили, визуальные образы: Вахтанг Бахтадзе, Анатолий Сазонов Who from the older generation doesn't remember this cheerful character made up of a battery, a bolt, springs, a plug, and a screwdriver? Samodelkin first appeared as an animated character in 1957. Since then, he has become not only a cartoon hero but [...]

1302, 2024

Literary blog: The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.

February 13th, 2024|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian House News, Russian language|

It so happened that our morning literary salon took place on the birthday of the great Russian bard, poet, and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. Therefore, it was not surprising that we started our meeting with his works. Детям вечно досаден Их возраст и быт — И дрались мы до ссадин, До смертных обид, Но одежды латали Нам матери в срок, Мы же книги глотали, Пьянея от строк.  («Баллада о борьбе» В. Высоцкий) [...]

1302, 2024

Short film is making a comeback: the screening of the “Short Films: Part II” program took place at the cinema club

February 13th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On February 8, 2024, at the Russian House film club in Brussels, the second part of the program dedicated to short films was screened. It included films from the Regional Cinema Support Fund. The Regional Cinema Support Fund of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia was established by the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation" on February 18, 2022. The main goals of the Fund [...]

802, 2024

Literary Blog: Are Poems Easy to Write?

February 8th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|

On January 23, 2024, an evening literary salon dedicated to poetry took place. A pleasant surprise was the participation not only of adults but also of children. Moreover, the latter took this event very seriously. I would like to start my blog with lines from the little-known poetess Tamara Shulga for the general public. A little history. During the years of the USSR, there was a good tradition: local [...]

802, 2024

Kid’s Club: And a Confetti Salute…

February 8th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

Dear friends, in January, our joyful celebration "Confetti" took place. Many guests came, and how else could it be? At first, all the children were divided into teams. The questions were difficult, but not for our participants. They easily found the answers. And then... Confetti cannons sparkle in gold. A star was lit in silver Reaching the top The bravest spark. Marshak Everything was correct, all the participants made [...]

802, 2024

Student’s Day was celebrated in Brussels together with musicians from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music

February 8th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News, Russian language|Tags: , , , |

On January 25, the Russian House in Brussels hosted an event in honor of St. Tatiana's Day. The evening began with an open Russian language lesson given by Vera Georgievna Bunina, Director of the Russian House in Brussels. Despite the unusual timing of the lecture, the large number of listeners was a pleasant surprise. Students showcased their talents through the [...]

802, 2024

Take part in the International Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language “Lobachevsky/RU”

February 8th, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Russian language|

Dear friends! We invite you to take part in the International Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language "Lobachevsky/RU", which will be held from December 1, 2023 to March 29, 2024. The Olympiad is designed for the following categories of foreign participants: students of Russian and foreign educational organizations of higher education, studying under bachelor's, specialist, master's and postgraduate programs; students of preparatory faculties / departments of educational organizations [...]

502, 2024

Virtual tour of the exhibition “Salute of Victory” (Victory Museum, Moscow)

February 5th, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , , , |

To the 80th anniversary of the complete ending of the siege of Leningrad Video of the tour: On February 1, 2024 on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels the Victory Museum became a participant of the project "Museum Day". In the framework of commemorative events, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete ending of the siege of [...]

102, 2024

On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the blockade, the Russian House in Brussels showcased “The Siege Diary”

February 1st, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On January 27th, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a screening of the film "The Siege Diary" by Andrei Zaytsev. The film is the winner of the Moscow International Film Festival (2020) and a laureate of the Russian National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences' "Golden Eagle" award (2021). The screening was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade. In February [...]

3101, 2024

Online excursion of the Russian Museum round the exhibition “Memory!”

January 31st, 2024|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , , , |

To the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade. On January 30, the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels hosted an online tour of the exhibition "Memory!" in the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg). The tour was conducted by Valentina Gorlova, Head of the Excursion and Lecture Department of the Russian Museum. The technologies of panoramic photography allowed enable viewers to explore the [...]

3001, 2024

Children’s Club: Once Upon a Time…

January 30th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian House News|

Dear friends! January is coming to an end, ahead is the last winter month, and we are going to talk about... a New Year's celebration for children. For the first time after a long break, the halls of the Russian House echoed with children's voices and laughter, the patter of little feet, and the crisp clapping of hands. In the foyer [...]

2901, 2024

Online-concert by St.Petersburg Music House “Evenings in the English Hall”

January 29th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

For the 80th anniversary of the end of the Siege of Leningrad Program: G.F. Handel (1685-1759) - J.Halvorsen (1864-1935). Passacaglia from Suite for clavier No. 7 in G minor HWV 432 (arr. for violin and cello) laureate of international competitions Bogdan Efremov (cello) laureate of international competitions Arseniya Sibileva (violin) A.Nesterov (1918-1999). Concerto for trombone and orchestra op.11 laureate of international competition Fedor Romanov (trombone) piano – [...]

2901, 2024

The documentary film “World 2052: Seeing the Future” by RT was presented In Brussels

January 29th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On January 26, at the Russian House in Brussels, a screening of the documentary took place, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Economics. The event was part of the joint project "Documentary Film Days in Russian Houses," organized by Rossotrudnichestvo and RT Documentary. The film focuses on scientific developments that are expected to change the world in the coming decades. The experts in the film are [...]

2601, 2024

The Russian House in Brussels screened films from the International Short Film Festival 2023

January 26th, 2024|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On January 19th, a screening of short films took place at the Russian House cinema club in Brussels as part of the International Short Film Festival 2023, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. In 2014, Russia hosted the first "All-Russian Action Day of Short Films" initiated by the Youth Center of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. In 2022, the project gained international status as a film festival [...]

1901, 2024

Conference in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Leningrad siege ending

January 19th, 2024|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On January 26, Victory Museum will host the conference "80th anniversary of the Leningrad siege ending". "The unconquered Leningrad became one of the most outstanding symbols of the firmness and courage of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. The 872 days of the blockade have affected the lives of millions of people. The hardships of the blockade days have left a deep mark on the history of [...]

1801, 2024

International Competition of Young Readers “Living Classics”

January 18th, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Kids Club, Library, Russian House News, Russian language|

Friends! Registration is underway for the International Competition of Young Readers "Living Classics." Just a reminder that we are accepting applications until January 25. Visit the website, fill out the application, choose a work from which you will read an excerpt, and get ready! The main prize is a trip to "Artek" and memorable gifts from sponsors, as well as a chance to perform at the Superfinal of [...]

1801, 2024

Teen Club: Theater Show

January 18th, 2024|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

Dear friends! The first session of our theater studio has taken place. Initially, the minimum age for young artists was planned to be 13 years old, but as it turned out, there are quite a few enthusiastic individuals of a younger age. We talked to Olga Markina, the leader of the theater studio, and she said that the main thing is the desire, and age is secondary. So, children [...]

1701, 2024

Russian Old New Year was celebrated in Belgium with the folklore music ensemble “Zolotoy Plyos”

January 17th, 2024|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On January 12, the Russian House in Brussels hosted the traditional Russian holiday Old New Year. Vera Georgievna Bunina, the director of the Russian House in Brussels, opened the festive evening by congratulating all those present on the New Year and Christmas and told about the traditions of the Russian Old New Year. The combination of contradictory notions (old and new at the same time) is a mystery for [...]

1101, 2024

Literary contest dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.

January 11th, 2024|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Kids Club, Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Meet Russia, Russian language|

But through the cooling planet, Machines moved toward Leningrad: He is still alive. He is somewhere nearby. To Leningrad, to Leningrad! (Olga Berggolts) Dear friends, In 2024, an important historical date is celebrated in Russia — the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade. The M.I. Rudomino All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature announces a contest of children's compositions and drawings dedicated to the [...]

2212, 2023

Festive evening “Christmas Kaleidoscope” was held at the Russian House in Brussels

December 22nd, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On December 21, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a festive evening prepared by Russian-speaking compatriots. The program of the evening began with a festive concert with the participation of Elena Fedorova (soprano) and Rene Larya (bass-baritone). They performed arias from operas and operettas, songs by Isaac Dunayevsky and other works. After the concert the audience was presented an exhibition of artistic and applied art of Russian-speaking compatriots. [...]

2112, 2023

The Cinema Club of the Russian House in Brussels concluded its annual program with “First Love”

December 21st, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On December 19, the final screening of the season took place at the film club of the Russian House in Brussels. Despite the rainy weather, it did not deter fans of Soviet and Russian cinema from gathering to watch the film "First Love," based on the eponymous story by Ivan Turgenev. The film was presented to the audience by our wonderful lecturer and cinema expert, Tania Kireeff. Those present [...]

2112, 2023

Workshop on using the new Kandinsky Video neural network to generate video from text

December 21st, 2023|Categories: Innovation, Russian House News, Science|Tags: , , |

On December 14, the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels hosted a master class on using the new Kandinsky Video neural network to generate video from text. Denis Dimitrov spoke in detail about how the Kandinsky Video neural network was created, its working principle and key features, and what improvements and new features Kandinsky 3.0 has over Kandinsky 2.2. Tatiana Nikulina showed how to use Kandinsky 3.0 [...]

1912, 2023

Children’s Club: Master Class on Creating a New Year Card

December 19th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Library|

Who didn't love looking at New Year cards in childhood? They weren't just exchanged with best wishes but kept for many years. Yulianna Pakhomova suggested that children create a unique card. The pre-New Year master class on creating New Year greeting cards gathered a real crowd! The youngest participant was only... 21 months old. And the oldest - over ... It doesn't matter. [...]

1912, 2023

Literary Blogs: In the Footsteps of A Hero of Our Time…

December 19th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

On December 14th of this year, the last literary salon took place. It was dedicated to the work of Lermontov, "Hero of Our Time." There was a large turnout, and it was pleasing to note that news of the salon spread by word of mouth. We hope that newcomers enjoyed it and will become part of our friendly community. This time, the salon [...]

1512, 2023

The application campaign for the XII National Award “Crystal Compass” has started

December 15th, 2023|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

Applications for the Crystal Compass national award have started to be accepted. In 2024, statuettes made of crystal and silver will be awarded to the authors of outstanding achievements and unique projects in the field of science and culture, expeditionary and educational activities, preservation and popularization of natural and historical-cultural heritage for the 12th time. Everyone is invited to participate in the application campaign: scientific and educational institutions, creative unions, [...]

1412, 2023

Online tour of the Russian Museum “Russian Art of the 20th Century”

December 14th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

The final virtual tour of the Russian Museum this year was held at the virtual site of the Russian House in Brussels, which introduced viewers to the collection of Russian art of the 20th century, presented on the permanent exhibition of the museum. The excursion was conducted by Valentina Gorlova, head of the department of excursion and lecture work of the Russian Museum. The art of the 20th century [...]

1312, 2023

A lecture on the architectural history of Moscow during the Art Nouveau era took place in Belgium

December 13th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On December 7, a lecture “Moscow of the Modern Age” was held at the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. Anna Kistanova, Director - Chief Curator of the Melnikov Museum, State Scientific Research Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchusev (Moscow), devoted a lecture to the concept of style, the history of its appearance and the stages of formation in Moscow. The turn of the 19th-20th centuries [...]

1212, 2023

A festive evening dedicated to the intertwining of the cultures of Russia and Belarus was held in Brussels

December 12th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On December 8, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a festive evening, “Interweaving of Cultures: Russia and Belarus.” «We live in different states, but it is still the common spiritual, moral and cultural foundations that unite our present and, undoubtedly, the future» - said Ambassador of the Russian Federation Alexander Avrelevich Tokovinin, opening the evening. Charge d'Affaires of Belarus Ekaterina Vladimirovna Shatokhina noted [...]

1212, 2023

Literary Salon: Only roots, only wings, only mother’s warmth.

December 12th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

A scattering of snapshots, ancient and dusty, Where we are young, old-fashioned, and stylish, No bellies, no wrinkles. Where blue fountains flow, Beautiful plans are drawn in a whim, Laughter splashes without reason. Sergey Khazanov. His performance on the stage of our Russian house was planned in the spring, but everything was postponed for reasons beyond our control. The anticipation was so exciting. He flew to Brussels [...]

612, 2023

For the 80th anniversary of Operation Bagration, the film “Direction of the Main Blow” was screened at the film club of the Russian House in Brussels

December 6th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of Operation Bagration, film club of the Russian House in Brussels hosted a screening of the film "Direction of the Main Blow" which is the third part of the film epic "Liberation", directed by Yuri Ozerov in 1970-1971. During Operation Bagration, the Soviet army inflicted the largest defeat on the German army in the entire military history of Germany, crushing the Army Group [...]

512, 2023

Teen Club: The lady checked in to baggage…

December 5th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

The lady checked in to baggage A sofa, A suitcase, A satchel, A painting, A basket, A piece of cardboard, And a little dog. (S. Marshak) Olga Markina started her master class with this children's poem. She asked the participants to imagine themselves as passengers. The participants improvised. The scenes were interesting and unique. Afterwards, they discussed together: what each [...]

112, 2023

A jazz music concert took place at the Russian House in Brussels

December 1st, 2023|Categories: Russian House News, Sergei Rachmaninoff|Tags: , , |

On November 28, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a jazz concert Gnesin Jazz 2023 with the participation of Valery Grokhovsky, classical and jazz pianist, vice-rector of the academy, director of the Gnessin School of Music, dean of the faculty of pop music, with the participation of Vadim Tkachuk (saxophone), Laureate of international competitions, graduate of the Royal Antwerp Conservatory.The musicians performed works by Sergei Rachmaninoff and piano [...]

2411, 2023

The history of the Tolstoy and Bezobrazov families was told at an evening in the Russian House

November 24th, 2023|Categories: History & Memory, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On November 21, at the Russian House in Brussels, as part of the “With Russian Roots” program, an evening was held dedicated to the famous compatriot in Belgium, a representative of the post-revolutionary emigration - the commander of the Cavalry Guard and the Russian Imperial Guard, General Vladimir Mikhailovich Bezobrazov and his family. The evening was hosted by his granddaughter Alexandra Vladimirovna Bezobrazova and the Belgian writer and journalist [...]

2311, 2023

Methodological events for teachers of the Russian language abroad in a distance format

November 23rd, 2023|Categories: Education in Russia, Meet Russia, Russian House News, Russian language, Science, Study Russian, Teach Russian|

Russian Language teachers from RUDN University will conduct a series of methodological events for teachers of the Russian language abroad in the distance format "Organization of course teaching of Russian as a foreign language abroad" in the period from December 1 to December 8, 2023. Participation in methodological events will allow teachers of the Russian language abroad to improve their professional skills at any time convenient for them, having mastered [...]

2311, 2023

Geographical dictation – 2023 was held in Belgium

November 23rd, 2023|Categories: Russian House News, Science|Tags: , , |

On November 19, the annual international event of the Russian Geographical Society “Geographical Dictation” took place at the Russian House in Brussels. The action was attended by students and teachers of Russian schools, compatriots living in Belgium. Before the official start of the Dictation, the dictation participants got acquainted with the photo exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society “Cultural Heritage of Russia”, located on the external stands of the [...]

2111, 2023

The premiere of the film “Across the river”, produced by the “Belarusfilm” studio, took place in Brussels.

November 21st, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

The film, directed by Andrey Khrulyov, was successfully premiered at the cinema club of the Russian House in Brussels. The film, shot in 2023 at the "Belarusfilm" studio, is set in 1925 in Western Belarus, which, after the signing of the Treaty of Brest, fell under the influence of Poland. The attempts of local residents to defend their own faith and church are brutally suppressed by Polish authorities. The [...]

2111, 2023

«Russia, the coronation of the phoenix?» Paysage sonore by Dominique Kopp

November 21st, 2023|Categories: History & Memory, Innovation, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, performance, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|

On November 10th, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a uniquely formatted event. Our guests were immersed in the ambiance of Russia through Dominique Kopp's soundscape, titled 'Russia - Coronation of the Phoenix?' In a dimly lit auditorium, attendees enjoyed a compilation of audio excerpts, music, sound bites, and recordings of speeches by key figures in Russian history. The soundscape had a profound impact on the audience, enabling them [...]

1711, 2023

Media accreditation for #WYF2024 has started!

November 17th, 2023|Categories: Meet Russia, Russian House News|

Foreign media accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian media and bloggers can participate. Hurry up to register before January 15, 2024 by following the link: Link for media The World Youth Festival is the largest youth event in the world that will be held by the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Festival will host 20,000 young Russian and foreign leaders in such fields as business, [...]

1411, 2023

Become a Software Engineer with an International Bachelor’s program by NewGen University!

November 14th, 2023|Categories: Education in Russia, Innovation, Russian House News, Science|

Software Engineering with the NewGen University is a high-quality online training programme for Junior and Middle programmers. That program is designed with modern job market requirements. You will gain a unique set of competencies that help you become an effective software developer in an international IT company. Join NewGen University today and take the first step towards a rewarding career! Why NewGen University? Degree of Governmental University of Russia [...]

1411, 2023

The documentary film «St Basil’s Cathedral» by RT was screened in Brussels

November 14th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

The RT Documentary film "Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed" was screened in Brussels as part of the project "Days of Documentary Cinema in Russian Houses." The Russian House in Brussels hosted the screening of the documentary, directed by Dmitry Khrustalev and Ekaterina Kitaytseva. The most interesting and lesser-known facts about the country's most famous cathedral sparked undeniable interest among Belgian viewers. After the screening, a discussion took place on [...]

911, 2023

Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin

November 9th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Poushkin, Russian language|

"Hello, shall we work together? Apart from the stories mentioned in your letter, Ivan Petrovich left many manuscripts, some of which are in my possession, while others have been used by his housekeeper for various domestic purposes. Thus, last winter, all the windows of her wing were covered with the first part of the novel that he did not finish. The aforementioned stories were, it seems, his first attempt. [...]

911, 2023

We invite you to become the curator of the International Competition for Young Readers “Living Classics”.

November 9th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

Dear school directors, teachers of Russian language and literature, heads of theater and creative studios! We invite you to become the curator of the International Competition for Young Readers “Living Classics”. Today this is the largest literary project in Belgium and in the world for Russian-speaking children. Participants must choose an excerpt from their favorite book and, having memorized it, read it aloud. The regulations on the International Competition [...]

3010, 2023

“A Nest of Gentlefolk”: The Russian House Film Club has started screening adaptations of classic literary works.

October 30th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

The Russian House Film Club in Brussels held a screening of a movie based on the literary work by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, "A Nest of Gentlefolk” in honor of the 205th anniversary of the world-renowned writer. The film was well-received by the Belgian audience and sparked lively discussions after the screening. In the future, as part of the "Adaptations of Russian Writers' Works" program, the Russian House Film Club [...]

2710, 2023

Hurry up to take part in the international poetry competition for young reciters “Living Classics” until 31 October!

October 27th, 2023|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Kids Club, Library|

The poetry international contest of young reciters "Living Classics" is a competitive event for reading aloud poems of the Golden and Silver Ages of Russian literature. The competition is held in Russian! To participate, you need to: Learn a poem from the Golden or Silver Ages of Russian literature (no longer than 5 minutes) Register for the competition and attach a link to a recording of your performance by [...]

2610, 2023

Count P. Sheremetev spoke in Brussels about his family and Sergei Rachmaninoff

October 26th, 2023|Categories: Library, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, Sergei Rachmaninoff, With Russian Roots|

" Pyotr Cheremeteff, my father, dying in exile, called me up and said: "Petrusha, you must support Russia and, if possible, help her." With these words Count Pyotr Petrovich Cheremeteff, a French statesman and Russian public figure, began his speech at a meeting at the Russian House in Brussels on 20 October 2023. The evening was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Rachmaninoff and, in [...]

2510, 2023

The International Youth Film Festival “WE” is now accepting submissions.

October 25th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

Until November 24th, the International Youth Film Festival "WE" is accepting entries from authors of Russian and foreign short films created after January 1, 2022. The festival organizers, drawing from the art of cinema, its techniques, and potential, invite the young generation of the country to reflect on the lives and actions of ordinary people they want to be proud of, to become explorers of human character, and to [...]

1810, 2023

Musical evening by Vadim Piankov “Invitation to travel”

October 18th, 2023|Categories: Our Compatriots, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On October 6, 2023, the Russian House in Brussels hosted a musical evening “Invitation to Travel” by the Russian artist Vadim Piankov - songwriter, poet-translator, graduate of VGIK (workshop of S. Bondarchuk and I. Skobtseva 1989). His concert program “Invitation to Travel” featured works in Russian and French of his own composition, songs based on poems by Alexander Blok, poems by French poets Charles Baudelaire and Alfred de Musset [...]

1810, 2023

Online tour of the halls of the Russian National Museum of Music

October 18th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

For National Unity Day On October 17, as part of the traditional “Day of Museums” cycle of the Russian House in Brussels, an online tour of the halls of the Russian National Museum of Music “Treasures of the Museum of Music” took place. The excursion participants visited the musical past and touched the musical future. We saw with our own eyes a violin made by the great master Antonio [...]

1810, 2023

For the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Dnieper, the film “Breakthrough” was screened at the Russian House in Brussels

October 18th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

The screening of the film "Breakthrough," which is the second part of the cinematic epic "The Liberation," took place at the Russian House in Brussels. The event was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Dnieper. The Battle of the Dnieper consisted of a series of interconnected strategic operations during the Great Patriotic War, conducted in the second half of 1943 along the banks of the [...]

1710, 2023

Children’s Club: Let’s play, shall we?

October 17th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Russian House News|

On October 7th, a theatrical masterclass took place in our children's club. It was conducted by the actress and director Olga Markina. This event had been eagerly awaited, which is why there was quite a crowd. Children started arriving well before the event began, which was a delight to see. Before the start of the masterclass, it had become a tradition for the little visitors of the Russian [...]

1310, 2023

Virtual tour of the Ivanovka Museum-Estate in the Tambov region

October 13th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, Sergei Rachmaninoff|Tags: , , , , |

For the 150th Anniversary of the Russian composer Serge Rachmaninoff On October 5, 2023, on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels, together with the Government of the Tambov Region, a tour of the Ivanovka Museum- Estate was held. The excursion participants visited the very center of Russia, in an amazing corner - the Sergei Rachmaninoff Museum-Reserve “Ivanovka”. From June 1890 to April 1917, the great Russian [...]

1010, 2023

I’ve long been tortured by not knowing where you are and how you are. Now, there’s no need to break this little thread that has stretched between us.

October 10th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|

On September 20th of this year, a solo performance by Elena Zakharova titled "The Female Destiny in the Works of the Classics" took place on the stage of the Russian House. It must be said that the actress is loved and well-known in Brussels. Fans of her talent eagerly awaited the performance. Elena opened it with the verses of the great Avar poet [...]

210, 2023

Conference-concert “I love you, creation of Peter’s”

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Meet Russia, Peter The Great, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On 28.09 the conference-concert “I love you, creation of Pierre” dedicated to the 320th anniversary of Saint Petersburg took place at the Russian House in Brussels. Maestro Andrei Chevtchouk, conductor and choir director, who has worked for over twenty years in France, Belgium, Germany and other European countries, as well as in Russia as a conductor of orchestras and theater and festival choirs, artistic director of festivals and choirs, [...]

210, 2023

Art of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries in the permanent exposition of the Russian Museum has been shown online

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

Virtual tour to the Russian Museum to explore art of the late 19th – early 20th centuries The Russian Museum together with the Russian House in Brussels and Russian House in Paris held the virtual tour round the Russian Museum. Valentina Gorlova, Head of the Excursion and Lecture Department of the Russian Museum, has featured the art of the turn of the 19th [...]

2709, 2023

First Workshop on working with the Kandinsky neural network

September 27th, 2023|Categories: Innovation, Russian House News|Tags: , |

On September 12, the first Workshop: “Kandinsky: image generation” was held at the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. Denis Dimitrov, executive director for data research, Sber AI, scientific consultant at the AIRI Institute of Artificial Intelligence, presented a new version of the Kandinsky 2.2 neural network and how to work with it. According to the developers, using the generative model, you can create high-resolution photorealistic images [...]

2609, 2023

VIII International Educational Campaign “Big Ethnographic Dictation”

September 26th, 2023|Categories: Contests&Olympiads, Education in Russia, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

Under the slogan "Many Peoples - One Country!" from November 3 to November 8, 2023, the VIII International Educational Campaign "Big Ethnographic Dictation" will take place. The goal of the International Educational Campaign is to draw people's attention to the history, culture, and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the country. This knowledge contributes to strengthening harmony, interethnic peace, and national unity among the peoples of the Russian Federation, as [...]

2509, 2023

Belgium’s National Day celebrated in Brussels

September 25th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On July 13, a piano concert of classical music was held at the Russian House in Brussels for the National Day of Belgium, performed by Timur Sergeyenia, professor of special piano at the LUCA School of Arts, Lemmens campus, Leuven. The concert program featured classical Russian and foreign music: P.I. Tchaikovsky, S.V. Rachmaninov, F. Liszt, S. Frank, C. Debussy, F. Chopin, J. Vila-Lobos and others. The pianist's virtuoso, ingenious [...]

2209, 2023

Adventures in Russia: The Russian House Cinema Club in Brussels screened the documentary of “Russia Beyond”

September 22nd, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Russian House News|

On September 21st, the Russian House Cinema Club in Brussels hosted a screening of the documentary film "Russia: 85 Adventures." This film was created by Russia Beyond, an international publishing project of the "Russian Newspaper". The authors selected eight of the most interesting adventures and combined them into one film.Adventures are a unique experience that anyone can undergo in various corners of our homeland. These include cultural, natural, extreme, historical, [...]

2009, 2023

A concert by the leading soloist of the State Academic Chapel Orchestra of St. Petersburg, Ilya Chirskov, took place in Brussels

September 20th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On September 15, 2023, the New Season 2023-24 was opened at the Russian House in Brussels with a piano concert by the soloist of the symphony orchestra of the State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg, Ilya Chirskov, dedicated to the northern capital of Russia, the city of St. Petersburg. The concert program featured works by Russian composers Igor Stravinsky and Mikhail Glinka, as well as foreign classics: John-Baptiste Loye, [...]

1909, 2023

The Creative Potential of Neural Networks

September 19th, 2023|Categories: Innovation, Science|

Today, hardly anyone remains indifferent to artificial intelligence. "The creative abilities of neural networks have tremendous potential. They are by no means competing with humans; on the contrary, they open up new possibilities for creativity and artistry. For designers, generative models have already become an essential tool for increasing efficiency and breaking free from routine," says our guest Denis Dimitrov, the Executive Director of Data Research at Sberbank's AI [...]

1809, 2023

White makes a draw

September 18th, 2023|Categories: Chess, Kids Club|

Dear Friends! On September 2nd, our Children's Club hosted a simultaneous chess session. The youngest participant was seven years old, while the oldest was seventeen. And it must be said that nobody was bored. The little rascals, while waiting for the older kids to finish their games, were drawing with chalk on the tiles. This has become a nice tradition: the chalk appears as soon as the children arrive. [...]

1409, 2023

Wild Dingo Dog or Tale of First Love

September 14th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Who among the older generation does not remember the prudent and faithful Filka, the contemplative girl Tanya, and the newcomer boy Kolya? "Wild Dingo Dog, or Tale of First Love" was written at the request of the publisher. The author was supposed to depict school life. Soviet literature always leaned towards finding positive heroes. In the work, we practically do not encounter negative characters. Even the envious girl Zhenya [...]

1109, 2023

Join the World Youth Festival 2024

September 11th, 2023|Categories: Meet Russia|

World Youth Festival: Let's start the future together!The World Youth Festival invites you to take part in the largest international youth event to be held in Russia.From 1 to 7 March 2024, 20,000 Russian and foreign young leaders aged 18 to 35 - professionals in business, media, education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering, sport and other spheres of social life - will gather on the Sirius Federal Territory (Sochi Olympic [...]

809, 2023

200th Anniversary of A.N. Ostrovsky: “Cruel Romance” at the Russian House Cinema Club in Brussels

September 8th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Library, Russian House News|

In the second part of the cinema club dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, the Russian House in Brussels screened the melodrama "Cruel Romance," directed by Eldar Ryazanov and based on the play "Without a Dowry" by the great Russian playwright. The film, well-known to Russian audiences, also found favor among Belgian film enthusiasts. The splendid cast, including Larisa Guzeeva, Alisa Freindlich, and Nikita Mikhalkov, received [...]

409, 2023

For the 200th anniversary of A.N. Ostrovsky: the Russian House’s film club screened “The Marriage of Balzaminov”

September 4th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Library, Russian House News|

To commemorate the 200th anniversary of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, the film club at the Russian House in Brussels showcased the comedy "The Marriage of Balzaminov," directed by Konstantin Voinov and based on the famous Russian playwright's play of the same name. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is rightly called the founder of Russian national theater. His role in the development of Russian drama, stage art, and the entire national culture is [...]

109, 2023

A screening of films from the “Discovering Russia” series took place at the Russian House in Brussels,

September 1st, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

The Russian House in Brussels hosted a screening of documentary films from the "Russia Today" channel, all collectively titled "Discovering Russia." Viewers had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with various regions of vast Russia, including the Republic of Adygea, the Yamal Peninsula, Yakutia, and the world's largest freshwater lake, Lake Baikal. The "Discovering Russia" project is carried out by the Russian English-language channel "Russia Today," which produces a whole [...]

2508, 2023

Screening of the Multimedia Film “Alexander III: The Bronze Wanderer”

August 25th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club, History & Memory, Meet Russia, Russian House News|

As part of the All-Russian event "Night of Cinema – 2023," in the virtual branch of the Russian Museum operating within the premises of the V.G. Belinsky Central District Library, a screening of the multimedia film "Alexander III: The Bronze Wanderer" will take place. Created in 1909 by the sculptor Paolo Troubetzkoy, the monument to Alexander III was installed near the Nicholas Railway Station in St. Petersburg. After the [...]

2208, 2023

Детский клуб: Дракон дождя и Лилия (сказка-игра) М. Файтцев

August 22nd, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|

С разрешения правообладателя У самого берега моря стояла старая покосившаяся избушка. Жила в этой избушке семья: отец-рыбак, мать и пять дочерей. Жили бедно. Отец рыбу ловил, да мало её попадало, мать её на рынке продавала. Старшая сестра сети для отца плела, вторая – еду варила, третья – бельё стирала, четвёртая – огородом занималась, а младшая, Лилия, была не от мира сего. Ничего ей поручить нельзя было.  Лето выдалось засушливое. [...]

607, 2023

Literary Blogs «Asya: love has no tomorrow»

July 6th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs, Russian language|

Before moving on to the blog topic, I would like to express my gratitude to Vera Bazilevskaya and Anna Burkovskaya for providing the photographs. So, the June literary salon was dedicated to Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev's novella "Asya." This story took place in 1857. After a year of inactivity, I.S. Turgenev took up the pen again. The reason was a scene accidentally observed in the German town of Zinitzke. The [...]

2906, 2023

The multimedia project “Music of Heroes” was presented in Belgium

June 29th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

To the 82nd commemoretion of the start of the Great Patriotic War On June 29, 2023, the presentation of the multimedia project of the Russian National Museum of Music "Music of Heroes" took place on the virtual site of the Russian House in Brussels. The project presented by Mikhail Bryzgalov, Director General of the Russian National Museum of Music, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation. "Music of Heroes" [...]

1606, 2023

The Day of Russia was celebrated in Belgium

June 16th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , |

On the 16th of June in the Russian House in Brussels there was a celebration of the Day of Russia, which included a vernissage of an exhibition of paintings and drawings by contemporary Russian artists "Art of Russia in Benelux 2023". The exhibition was presented by Tatiana Koteris, director of the international exhibition project "Russian Art in Benelux. Beautiful Belgian musicians Bertrand Lavrenov (violin) and Kefren Bayvir (piano) [...]

1506, 2023

Online tour “Collection of the Russian Museum. Art from the 12th to mid-19th centuries”

June 15th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, Russian House News|Tags: , |

On 15 June 2023, the Russian Museum held a virtual tour round the permanent exposition of the museum in the Mikhailovsky Palace. Valentina Gorlova, Head of the Excursion and Lecture Department, told the viewers from Belgium, France, Russia and other countries about the masterpieces of Russian Art of the 12th to the mid -19 th centuries. During the virtual tour the audience explored the rooms of the Grand Duke's [...]

1306, 2023

Literary Blogs “Detectives as a Genre”

June 13th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|Tags: |

Question about the picture: What is the name of the victim? The captain of a Japanese ship noticed that he had lost his gold watch during the journey. It happened while he was taking a shower. Four people came under suspicion. The cook claimed that he was preparing lunch for the crew, the helmsman said he was at the helm, sailor Leslie stated that he noticed the flag was [...]

806, 2023

The children’s drawing contest “Pushkin goes to Orenburg”

June 8th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club|

"Here is a letter to Andrei Karlovich R., my old comrade and friend. You are going to Orenburg to serve under his command..." A.S. Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter." The Ministry of Culture of the Orenburg region and the State Autonomous Institution "Orenburg Regional Museum of Fine Arts" have announced the children's drawing contest "Pushkin goes to Orenburg" with the following themes: portraits and images of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, his [...]

606, 2023

Events dedicated to Sergei Rachmaninoff took place in Brussels

June 6th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Our Compatriots, Sergei Rachmaninoff|Tags: , |

On June 5th and 6th, in the Russian House in Brussels there were the events dedicated to the great Russian composer Sergey Rachmaninov, organized jointly with the Russian National Museum of Music (Moscow) with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. A special guest Mikhail Bryzgalov, Director General of the Russian National Museum of Music, President of the Association of Music Museums and Collectors, honored art worker [...]

606, 2023

The Russian Language Day and the 150th anniversary of Sergei Rachmaninoff were celebrated on Alexander Pushkin’s birthday at the Russian House in Brussels

June 6th, 2023|Categories: Our Compatriots, Russian House News, Russian language, Sergei Rachmaninoff|Tags: , |

A festive concert of vocal music "Pushkin and Rachmaninov. Poetry and Music" was held at the Russian House in Brussels on June 6, where the songs of Sergei Rachmaninoff were performed. Each of the composer's works in this genre is remarkable for its amazing sincerity. Rachmaninoff often said that he loved poetry and always put it second only to music. The concert on the 150th anniversary of Rachmaninoff's birth [...]

606, 2023

Kids’ Club: “Magic Carpet”

June 6th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Russian House News|

Recently, in the Children's Club, a workshop on making appliques using the simple weaving technique took place. At first glance, it seems quite easy, especially since the templates were prepared in advance. But as it turned out, it's not that easy to weave thin paper strips evenly. The applique requires perseverance, creativity, and imagination from its creator. But let's go step by step. First, we create a base to [...]

606, 2023

Online marathon on the occasion of the International Day of the Russian Language

June 6th, 2023|Categories: Russian language|

On June 6, 2023, on the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, as part of the program to support and develop multilingualism and cultural diversity, the International Day of the Russian Language will be held in an online format at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. This year, the online marathon will be dedicated to the Russian language in the history of the Russian capital and will [...]

506, 2023

Literary Blogs: Our Readers’ Creativity “Consultation” by R. Vardа

June 5th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear friends, among the attendees of our literary salon are real writers. Ruben Vardа has provided his story "Consultation." “You're making progress, Kit, I like your universe. You managed to achieve rapid stabilization. This promises long life without any shock. Tell me, how do you see its future? What might its zest, or uniqueness, be, so to speak?” Kit smiled, flattered by the words of her Professor. “You [...]

106, 2023

Literary Blog: Childhood, childhood, childhood – it is light and joy.

June 1st, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Dear children! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday. Childhood is truly an amazing time. It is only in childhood that you can visit Karlsson on the Roof, embark on journeys to other planets, and chat with Martians on the Orange River. Children love Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile. Do you know who wrote this funny story? It's Eduard Uspensky. Dear little reader, come to our library with your mom [...]

106, 2023

What words cannot express, Let the sounds tell without words.

June 1st, 2023|Categories: Kids Club|

"Unbelievable!" "It's impossible to believe this!" "To think that a child could play like that!" "And what will happen when they grow up!" These were the words spoken by the audience as they exited the concert hall. Who could have enthralled them to such an extent? You won't believe it, but it was children. Yes, indeed, two thirteen-year-old boys captivated classical music enthusiasts with their performance, leaving an indelible [...]

106, 2023

Tula Region – a territory of opportunities for compatriots.

June 1st, 2023|Categories: Meet Russia|

Tula Region is attractive to foreign citizens, and their numbers are growing each year. Migration processes have a significant impact on the demographic situation, allowing for partial compensation of the labor force shortage. According to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the region, Andrey Filippov, the implementation of the state migration policy program influences both the demographic situation and the socio-economic position of the Tula Region as [...]

2505, 2023

Concert “Song and dance in Golden Russia” by the Russian ensemble ” Otrada ” (Antwerp)

May 25th, 2023|Categories: Meet Russia, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, Russian language|Tags: |

On May 25, 2023, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was celebrated at the Russian House in Brussels with the Russian Song Ensemble " Otrada " from Antwerp. The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is a wonderful occasion to join the origins of Slavic traditions, to Russian folk holidays and rituals, folk art and original folk art, to get acquainted with the culture of the Russian people. [...]

2405, 2023

On the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, an online tour of the Slovo Museum, VDNKh

May 24th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions|Tags: , |

On May 24, 2023, on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, an online sightseeing tour of the Slovo Museum, VDNKh took place on the virtual site of the Russian House in Brussels. During a tour of the exhibition at the Slovo Museum, visitors learned about the main milestones in the history of writing in Russia, about the first alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic, got acquainted with the oldest literary [...]

2305, 2023

“Poetic Theater of Svetlana Kryuchkova” presented the program “Poetic Petersburg”

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: performance, Russian House News|Tags: , |

On May 23, 2022, the performance of the People's Artist of Russia SVETLANA KRYUCHKOVA "Poetic Petersburg" dedicated to the actress's beloved city - St. Petersburg was held on the virtual platform of the Russian House in Brussels. For the Poetic Petersburg program, the actress chose the love lyrics of Akhmatova, Mandelstam, magical in sound and depth, and the poetry of St. From classical verse to the echo of the [...]

2205, 2023

HSE University

May 22nd, 2023|Categories: Education in Russia, Science, Study Russian|

On May 26 2023,  the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) held a videoconference to inform applicants from Belgium and other European countries about the study programs University and the rules for admission to study. Courage is one of the key qualities nowadays. And yet this is the word that best describes the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) - the top university [...]

2205, 2023

Poetry by our readers: Brigitte Merle.

May 22nd, 2023|Categories: literary blog, Russian language|

Dear friends, As promised, we are pleased to present the works of a regular participant in our literary salon - Brigitte Merle. Russian is not her native language. По пути, покрытому сосновыми иглами, В горящем летнем воздухе, Ты протянул мне белую розу, блестящую и трепещущую в утренней теплоте. Наши шаги упругие и тихие, Часто встречались на пути в святые горы. Теперь наши следы стёрлись, Роза увяла, Воспоминание растворилось [...]

1805, 2023

Kids’ club: Young Space Explorers

May 18th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club|

A month ago, we had a space flight at our children's club! Yes, yes, don't be surprised, a real space flight! And it happened like this. On April 15th, a whole space team gathered here. There were young scientists, astronauts, and even a support group of adults. Kirill Kruglov was appointed as the flight leader. You don't know him? Well, know this: he is a very enthusiastic and knowledgeable person. [...]

1105, 2023

Musical and poetic evening “Living memory of the past”

May 11th, 2023|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

  On May 9, our country celebrated the Great Holiday, Victory Day over Nazi Germany.   On May 10, 2023, a gala evening "Living Memory of Past Years" was held at the Russian House in Brussels, dedicated to the Day of Victory in World War II in Europe. We dedicated this Literary and Musical Evening to the memory of Soviet people who fell on the battlefields, were burned in [...]

205, 2023

Literary blogs: To whom is memory, to whom is glory…

May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Russian House News|

«Женщины у родников, в поле, на верандах только и говорили, как Халид выкрал невесту, какую весёлую свадьбу сыграл его отец… А через месяц и девять дней началась война. Они ушли на фронт вместе. Она не вернулась: осталась лежать близ города Будапешта.» (Фазу Алиева «Конь-победитель») 9 мая – великий день не только для нашей страны. Этот день отмечают во многих странах мира. 9 (8) мая 1945 года в Берлине был [...]

2704, 2023

The Orthodox Easter holiday was celebrated at the Russian House in Brussels.

April 27th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On April 27, the Easter concert “Christ is Risen!” was held at the Russian House in Brussels, performed by the Youth bishop's choir of the Brussels-Belgian eparchy, which consisted of church hymns glorifying the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ not only in Church Slavonic, but also in Greek, Georgian, Arabic, French and many other languages. At the end of the concert, the choir performed several secular, well-known and [...]

2704, 2023

The Russian House film club in Brussels screened documentaries from the “Discovering Russia” series

April 27th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

On April 25, 2023, regulars of the film club were able to learn more about three regions of Russia: the Kaliningrad region, the Republic of Mordovia and the Altai region. RT's English-speaking journalists revealed the nature, cities, people and centuries-old traditions of these wonderful corners of Russia. The documentaries aroused a strong reaction among the guests of the film club: after the end of the screening, they exchanged their [...]

2704, 2023

Literary blogs: fantasy

April 27th, 2023|Categories: Library, literary blog, Literary Blogs|

Маша колебалась недолго. Предложения было настолько заманчивым, а улыбка Алекса такой обезоруживающей, что противостоять стало сложно. По ступенькам забралась в кабину. Молодой человек занял место за штурвалом. Приказал пристегнуться. Бесшумно заработали лопасти. Машина слегка качнулась и оторвалась от поверхности. Сапфировое небо начало стремительно приближаться. Отель отдалялся. Квадрат бассейна вскоре стал напоминать голубой корунд в обрамлении цитриновой россыпи. Впервые в жизни полёт на вертолёте. От разворачивающейся картины замирала душа. Ах, какая красота! [...]

2004, 2023

The 45th Moscow International Film Festival opened its doors

April 20th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

The 45th Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF) will be held in Moscow from April 20 to 27. There will be films from more than 60 countries. More than 30 international premieres will be shown at the festival. Especially this year the MIFF will present a program about young people "Hard Age", which includes films from different countries. Besides there will be student accreditation. It gives the right to [...]

1904, 2023

VDHN Aerospace and aviation center online tour

April 19th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On April 19th, 2023, Russian House Brussels and VDNH Aerospace and aviation center celebrated Museum day by an online guided tour at the biggest, the most modern and interactive space museum in Russia – long and long years of Soviet and Russian aviation and cosmonautics history come to life here. The spectators saw what millions of people had created to make their common dream of conquering [...]

1404, 2023

The retrospective of Inna Churikova’s films has ended at the Russian House in Brussels

April 14th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

The retrospective of Inna Churikova's films at the Russian House in Brussels ended with a screening of Gleb Panfilov's "No Path Through Fire". The film tells the story of a young nurse, Tanya Tyotkina, who works on a medical train that evacuates the wounded from the front lines of the civil war. Previously, the cinema club audience had the opportunity to watch the films "Vassa" and "Shirley-Myrli" featuring Inna [...]

1104, 2023

The Russian Language Contest. Free competency test

April 11th, 2023|Categories: Russian language|

Our Center has been hosting a Russian language contest for several years now, and each year it draws the attention of those who love Russian literature. This time, we are excited to announce that we will not only be offering the competition to those who study Russian as a foreign language, but also to those who can read, understand, write a text, and hold a conversation in Russian. We [...]

1104, 2023

Star Dictation 2023

April 11th, 2023|Categories: Science|

In 2023, the Russian House, in partnership with the IV Tsiolkovsky International Film and Space Film Festival and the TASS news agency, will hold the Star Dictation “Let's Go!” This year, the author of the text of the dictation was Anton Pervushin, a Russian writer, journalist, historian of space exploration, who created the most interesting science fiction and popular science books about space. There will be gaps in place [...]

1004, 2023

The exhibition “Orenburg downy shawl in Belgium” has completed its work

April 10th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions|

From February 22 to April 9, 2023, the exhibition "Orenburg Downy Shawl" was presented at the Russian House in Brussels, which introduced the Belgian public to the works of the best knitters of the Orenburg region, whose art is a high artistic and quality criteria that characterize the world-famous down knitting craft. Since the end of the 18th century, in the Orenburg region, in the very heart of Russia, [...]

904, 2023

Exhibition project “The Age of Light”

April 9th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: |

On April 9, an exhibition project by costume designer Alexandra Samarova and photographer Ekaterina Troshina finished its work at the Russian House in Brussels. The 18th century heralded the Age of Enlightenment. The time when mind and reason shone through lives, being the guiding light to cognition and knowledge about human beings, within and beyond. The enlightenment of the XXIst century, in turn, requires tuning of hearts, through which [...]

904, 2023

Exhibition of the Belgian artist Valt d’Akvavilla “Tribute to a woman”

April 9th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions|Tags: |

The exhibition of the Belgian artist Valt d'Acquavilla from Antwerp, which was exhibited from March 9 to April 9, 2023 and was dedicated to the beautiful half of humanity - a woman, has finished its work at the Russian House in Brussels. In paintings and watercolors, where there are different symbols on the same topic, the woman always plays the main role. As a symbolist [...]

704, 2023

“Crossroads of Musical Destinies – Sergei Rachmaninoff and Fedor Chaliapin”

April 7th, 2023|Categories: Sergei Rachmaninoff|Tags: , |

On April 7, 2023, a concert-musical conversation was held at the Russian House in Brussels on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the great composer Sergei Rachmaninoff and the famous bass Fyodor Chaliapin. The large audience that came to the Brussels-Europe Russian House this evening listened with enthusiasm to Maestro Andrei Chevtchouk's story about the destiny and work of the great composer and the great artist, about their [...]

404, 2023

The Russian House in Brussels has accepted the final of the recitation competition «Living Classic»

April 4th, 2023|Categories: Kids Club, Library, Russian language|

On Saturday 25 March, Brussels held the 6th children's literary competition for the best prosaic reader in Russian «Living Classic» for school children. Traditionally, this contest has been hosted by the Russian House in Brussels. Vera Georgievna Bunina, head of the Russian House and a great friend of the competition was elected president of the jury. This time the atmosphere was especially joyful and solemn! For the first time [...]

204, 2023

Photo exhibition “Formula of Happiness Academician Lev Landau”

April 2nd, 2023|Categories: Russian House News, Science|Tags: , |

The photo-documentary exhibition dedicated to the Day of Russian Science was held from February 20 to April 2, 2023. Lev Landau (for friends, simply Dau) is a brilliant Soviet theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner, one of the outstanding personalities of the 20th century. He was interested in everything - from the structure of the atomic nucleus to raising children. Landau left behind many achievements - these are multi-volume scientific [...]

104, 2023

Concert “On Rachmaninoff’s Birthday” was a great success

April 1st, 2023|Categories: Russian House News, Sergei Rachmaninoff|Tags: , |

On April 1, 2023, the concert hall of the Russian House in Brussels hosted a concert performed by Timur Sergeeni, professor of special piano at LUCA School of arts, Leuven, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Rachmaninov, a Russian composer, pianist, conductor, who became a symbol of Russian music all over the world. Rachmaninoff's music is like a mirror of the Russian soul. The [...]

3103, 2023

Presentation of the book by Alexander Korsak “The Third Salvo”

March 31st, 2023|Categories: Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On March 31, 2023, the presentation of the book “The Third Salvo” by Alexander Korsak took place at the Russian House in Brussels, which tells the fate of his parents, the first wave of emigrants, the years they lived through during the German occupation.

3103, 2023

In memory of Inna Churikova: “Shirley-Myrli” shown at the Russian House in Brussels

March 31st, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

On March 29, 2023, the Russian House cinema club in Brussels showed "Shirley-Myrli", the second film in a retrospective of films in memory of the great actress Inna Churikova. The film was directed by Vladimir Menshov in 1995. The incredible story of twin brothers who had never heard of each other before was enjoyed by Belgian audiences. The comedy farce with the characteristic political and criminal humor of the [...]

2203, 2023

Online tour «The Russian Museum is the first state museum of national art in Russia»

March 22nd, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Meet Russia, Russian House News|Tags: , |

The State Russian Museum, together with the Russian House in Brussels, continues a series of online meetings dedicated to introducing foreign audiences to the history, collection and expositions of the State Russian Museum. The meetings in 2023 are dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum for visitors. On March 22 the first online tour dedicated to the history of the creation of the Russian [...]

1703, 2023

Excursion-finishing of the exhibition “Russia and the West. 500 years” with Doctor of History Vladimir Ronin

March 17th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: |

On March 17, the exhibition "In Fraternitate et Caritate" finished its work at the Russian House in Brussels. Russia and the West 500 years ago”, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Holy Roman Empire. A tour of the exhibition was conducted by Vladimir Ronin, Doctor of History, Master of Slavic Studies, currently teaching at the KU Leuven (Antwerp campus). Author [...]

1503, 2023

The Russian House in Brussels screened “World Champion”

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

On March 14, 2023, the Russian House in Brussels (Belgium) hosted a screening of the film "Champion du Monde". The screening of the film took place within the framework of the "Art Unites" project of the Assembly of Eurasian Peoples, with the support of the Government of Moscow and the Charitable Foundation of Social Initiatives "Peace and Harmony". Before the start of the viewing, Elmira Muratbekovna Shcherbakova, Deputy Head [...]

903, 2023

Festive evening for International Women’s Day

March 9th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

Le 9 mars, une soirée festive s'est tenue à la Maison russe à Bruxelles, consacrée à la fête du printemps, de la lumière, de la vie, de l'amour et de la femme. La salle d'exposition a accueilli le vernissage de l'exposition "Hommage aux femmes" de l'artiste belge Walt d' Aquavilia. Dans ses peintures et aquarelles, une femme joue toujours le rôle principal. En tant qu'artiste symboliste, il s'inspire des [...]

303, 2023

Literary evening “Simenon and Russia” was held at the Russian House in Brussels

March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On March 3, the literary evening "Simenon and Russia" was held at the Russian House in Brussels, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the great writer. Jean-Louis Etienne, a native of the Belgian Liege, like Simenon, a literary critic with 30 years of experience, spoke about the creative path of the famous master of detectives. And also about the phenomenal and constant success of his work [...]

2802, 2023

The exhibition «Age of Light» has completed its work at the Russian House in Brussels

February 28th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions|Tags: , |

From January 27 to February 28, the Russian House in Brussels presented a joint exhibition project of the artist - Alexandra  Samarova and the photographer - Ekaterina Troshina, which contained two parts: The Path of Light and People of Light. Alexandra and Ekaterina explore the theme of inner light through photographs, paintings, drawings, and costumes. The 18th century heralded the Age of Enlightenment. The time when mind and reason [...]

2802, 2023

The International Young Readers’ Competition «Living Classic»

February 28th, 2023|Categories: Library|

The International Young Readers' Competition «Living Classic» is a competitive event for reading aloud passages from the prose works of Russian writers. Link Interesting facts! Belgium The Competition takes place for the sixth time. In 2023, 40 applications were submitted from 8 Russian schools, literary and theatrical studios. Three stages of the competition: school, regional (per three regions) and national, to be held on 25.03.2023 at the Russian House [...]

2802, 2023

In memory of the great actress: «Vassa» directed by Gleb Panfilov was shown in Brussels

February 28th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

On February 22, 2023, the cinema club of the Russian House in Brussels hosted a screening of the film "Vassa" as part of a retrospective of films in memory of the great actress Inna Tchurikova. The film was created by director Gleb Panfilov and is a classic of Soviet cinema. Inna Tchurikova in the role of Vassa Zheleznova showed all her talent and skill, which captivate the audience to [...]

1702, 2023

Literary Evening: Dominique Fernandez and his “Soviet Time Novel, Undiscovered Continent”.

February 17th, 2023|Categories: Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , , |

L'AUTEUR : Le 17 février 2023, une Soirée littéraire s'est tenue à la Maison russe à Bruxelles avec la participation de Dominique Fernandez, membre de l'Académie française, auteur de nombreux livres d’une oeuvre considérable par sa qualité et sa prolixité (une centaine de livres parus) qui lui a valu notamment le prix Médicis en 1974 pour Porporino ou les mystères de Naples, le prix Goncourt en 1982 pour Dans [...]

1502, 2023

The Children’s Cinema Club of the Russian House in Brussels showed “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

February 15th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

February 15, 2023 in Brussels, activities continued within the framework of the project “From Russia with Warmth”. This time the cinema club of the Russian House in Brussels presented to the guests the classics of Russian cinema - the film "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" based on the work of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. The tale of Tsar Saltan, his son Tsar Gvidon and the beautiful Princess [...]

802, 2023

The screening of Mark Zakharov’s film “The Very Same Munchausen” was held in the cinema club of the Russian House in Brussels

February 8th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|Tags: , |

On February 7, the movie club of the Russian House in Brussels hosted a screening of the film "The Same Munchausen". The event was held as part of a retrospective of Mark Zakharov's films. Mark Zakharov (1933-2019) - a legend of the Russian theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR (1991), director and screenwriter. Zakharov worked extensively and successfully in film and television, in particular, filmed a number [...]

802, 2023

On Museum Day, the Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve presented its virtual tour.

February 8th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions|

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, a tour of Mamaev Kurgan was held on the virtual site of the Russian House in Brussels. It was held by Ivan Khomitsevich, head of the excursion and educational department of the State Historical and Memorial Museum-Reserve "Battle of Stalingrad". The fighting here lasted more than 130 out of 200 days of the famous [...]

602, 2023

The anniversary of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad was celebrated in Belgium

February 6th, 2023|Categories: History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , , |

The Russian House in Brussels and the People's Artist of Russia SVETLANA KRYUCHKOVA prepared for an important date the literary and musical composition "Leningraders, my children!" Dedicated to the courage and heroism of Leningraders during the days of the fascist blockade of 1941-1944. On January 27, 1944 as the result of Leningrad-Novgorod strategy offensive operation were defeated the Nazi armies near Leningrad and the 900 days blockade [...]

2701, 2023

Day of Russian Students and Tatyana’s Day celebrated in Belgium

January 27th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , |

On January 27, the Russian House in Brussels prepared a rich program for the Day of Russian Students. Vera Bunina, Director of the Russian House in Brussels, opened the evening with a welcoming speech and a brief excursion into the history of celebrating Student's Day in Russia: Tatyana's Day is a favorite student holiday. On January 25, Russia celebrates the Day of Russian Students (Tatiana's Day), which traces its [...]

2601, 2023

Cinema Club of the Russian House in Brussels prepared a New Year’s surprise for their young friends

January 26th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|

On January 25, within the framework of the project "From Russia with Warmth", the cinema club of the Russian House in Brussels presented the program "Our Favorite New Year's Cartoons". Young viewers were able to see the adventures of Umka the bear cub, Santa Claus, the Gray Wolf, the Snow Queen and other heroes of classic Russian cartoons. Also, those present were offered traditional Russian treats: gingerbread, sweets and, [...]

2001, 2023

The photo exhibition of the winners of the VI International Photo Contest “Russian Civilization” has completed its work in the Russian House in Brussels

January 20th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Russian House News|Tags: , |

The project brings together professionals and amateurs of photography and is held annually. The purpose of the photo contest is to harmonize interethnic relations and the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia by drawing the attention of citizens to the origins and traditions of Russian culture. The organizer of the photo competition is the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (FADN of Russia). Both professional photographers and amateurs aged [...]

1901, 2023

A new project of the Russian House in Brussels “Museum Day” has started

January 19th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On January 19, 2023, State Historical Museum became the first participant of the «Museum Day» project, launched by the Russian house in Brussels. The online meeting was opened by Vera Bunina, Head of the Russian house in Brussels, and Ekaterina Klyukova, Deputy Head for Education and Visitor Experience of the State Historical Museum. Both expressed the hope of strengthening the relations between the two countries via such projects – [...]

1801, 2023

“Formula of Love” continued the retrospective of Mark Zakharov’s films

January 18th, 2023|Categories: Cinema Club|Tags: |

On January 17, at the cinema club of the Russian House in Brussels, as part of a retrospective of Mark Zakharov's films, the film "Formula of Love" was screened. Mark Zakharov (1933-2019) - a legend of the Russian theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR (1991), director and screenwriter. Zakharov worked extensively and successfully in film and television, in particular, filmed a number of plays by Yevgeny Schwartz [...]

1301, 2023

Festive concert of classical music “New Year’s Rhapsody”

January 13th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News|Tags: |

On January 13, the Russian House in Brussels opened its doors to lovers of classical Russian and foreign music. The Old New Year is a beloved, albeit unusual, holiday that only a Russian person will understand. The Russian house has traditionally been welcoming friends within its walls for this amazing and fabulous evening for several years now. The talented pianist Timur Sergeeni performed works by Chopin, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, [...]

901, 2023

Enrollment for Russian language courses for beginners is open

January 9th, 2023|Categories: Russian House News, Russian language|

Until February 6, 2023 Dear friends! We would like to inform you that winter enrollment for beginners in Russian language courses at the Russian House in Brussels is open. Our teachers are professional philologists with diplomas from Russian universities, specialization "Russian as a foreign language" and extensive teaching experience. Under their guidance, you will be able to master languages from the basics to the highest level. The training [...]

1912, 2022

Festive concert “The Magic of Christmas”

December 19th, 2022|Categories: Russian House News|

19.12.2022 Russian House Brussels-Europe The Christmas is the time of the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and an amazing time when the heart is filled with the expectation of a miracle. The Russian House in Brussels prepared for the holidays the concert "the Magic of Christmas" with the participation of Daria Davydova, a Russian opera singer, owner of a magnificent soprano. Daria Davydova made her [...]

1612, 2022

“In Fraternitate et Caritate”. Russia and the West: 500 years ago

December 16th, 2022|Categories: Russian House News|

Untill 28 February Russian House Brussels-Europe Since 1522, the Grand Prince of Moscow Vasili III and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V exchanged a lot of letters and embassies. So started, 500 years ago, a surprisingly intense dialogue between Russia and the greatest West Europian power as allies, "in brotherhood and love"… The stand exhibition dedicated to the event and its historical context was [...]

1512, 2022

Russian Innovation Night. ROBBO and BUSINESSFOX presented their projects at the Russian House’s site in Brussels

December 15th, 2022|Categories: Russian House News, Science|

The Russian House Brussels-Europe, in collaboration with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, presented the audience with advanced solutions in the field of education as part of the Russian Innovation Night event. "We are happy to see the Russian Innovation Night program to present the projects developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives who integrates youth innovative companies with startups in Russia. I find especially valuable their educational and social [...]

612, 2022

“… with Russian roots”: Alexander Zinoviev. By Olga Zinovieva and Slobodan Despot

December 6th, 2022|Categories: Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|

06.12.2022 Russian House Brussels-Europe Georges Simenon, Romain Gary, Gala, Henri Troyat… A new art-literary project of the Russian House in Brussels presents eminent personalities " … with Russian roots" of XX–XXI. The first meeting of the project took place in October 2022 with the participation of Andrey Makin, a French writer with Russian roots, member of the French Academy and laureate of the Goncourt [...]

1711, 2022

The evening of vernissages “Peter, Belgium, Peterhof” was held in Belgium

November 17th, 2022|Categories: History & Memory, Peter The Great|

To the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great On November 17, an evening of vernissages was held, completing the program dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great in the Russian House in Brussels The creative video project of the Russian House in Brussels "Belgian roads of Peter the Great" was presented by Vera Georgievna Bunina, head of the Russian House in [...]

2010, 2022

The first literary evening from the cycle “… With Russian Roots” was held at the Russian House

October 20th, 2022|Categories: Dialogue Events, Library, Our Compatriots, Russian House News, With Russian Roots|Tags: , |

On October 20, the Russian House in Brussels hosted the first meeting from the cycle "... With Russian Roots", dedicated to the "Russian trace" in European culture. It is significant that the first guest was well-known in Europe, especially in the French-speaking environment, the Franco-Russian writer, laureate of the Goncourt Prize and member of the French Academy Andrey Makine. The meeting was moderated by Tatiana Hashimi, a Belgian journalist [...]

1210, 2022

Both sailor and carpenter. Peter the Great in Russian Artistic Culture. Virtual tour

October 12th, 2022|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Peter The Great|Tags: , , |

On October 12, 2022, as part of the cycle “Art talk with the Russian Museum”, a virtual tour of the exhibition “Both Navigator and Carpenter. Peter the Great in Russian Artistic Culture. The exhibition, dedicated to the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great, took place at the Russian Museum in June-September 2022. It consisted of works of painting, graphics, sculpture, crafts and numismatics, [...]

2209, 2022

Virtual tour of the “Summer Palace of Peter I in St. Petersburg”

September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Exhibitions, Peter The Great, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

On September 22, as part of the “Conversations about Art with the Russian Museum” cycle, a virtual tour of one of the oldest buildings in St. Petersburg, the Summer Palace of Peter the Great, took place at the virtual site of the Russian House in Brussels. The Summer Palace was built for the Russian Tsar Peter Alekseevich in 1710-1712 by the Italian architect Domenico Trezzini. Architects and sculptors from [...]

2605, 2022

Virtual tour in Russian, French and Arabic “Peter the Great. Persons and Personnalities”

May 26th, 2022|Categories: Exhibitions, Peter The Great, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

To the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great 26 May 2022 the State Russian museum broadcasted a virtual tour “Peter the Great. Figures and Individuals”. Representatives of more than 20 countries - Europe, Middle East, Central and South-East Asia, South America – took part in this event. Svetlana Biryukova, the art historian of the Russian Museum, led the audience through the halls [...]

2205, 2022

Moscow Pedagogical State University

May 22nd, 2022|Categories: Education in Russia, Science, Study Russian|

Speaker: Svetlana Mikhailovna Kolesnikova, Head of the Department of Russian language of the Institute of Philology of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Professor and Doctor of Philological Sciences The international activities of the Institute of Philology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University are rich and varied. It is based on numerous projects aimed at various groups of foreign students - preschool and school children, students, school and university [...]

2205, 2022

Irkutsk State University

May 22nd, 2022|Categories: Education in Russia, Science, Study Russian|

Irkutsk State University was founded in October 1918 in the city of Irkutsk near the unique Lake Baikal. Training at the University is conducted in the full range of natural sciences, mathematics, humanities, social, pedagogical and linguistic disciplines, as well as partially in engineering disciplines. The University educational complex includes 8 academic institutes, 11 faculties, one of the largest university libraries in Russia, master's degree, postgraduate, doctoral studies [...]

2205, 2022

RUDN University

May 22nd, 2022|Categories: Education in Russia, Russian House News, Russian language, Study Russian|

On March 15 2023,  the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) held a videoconference for applicants from Belgium and other European countries about the study programs University and the rules for admission to study. The video conference was  attended by: Anzhela Viktorovna Dolzhikova, Director of the RUDN Institute of the Russian Language, Member of the Russian Language Council under the President of the Russian Federation; Marina Nikolaevna [...]

3003, 2022

Conference “In the circle of Sergei Diaghilev. Intertwined Destinies”

March 30th, 2022|Categories: Exhibitions, History & Memory, Russian House News|Tags: , , |

150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Diaghilev, Russian artist and impresario Director of the State Museum of Theatrical and Musical Art in St. Petersburg, Natalia Metelitsa is also an honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation and the artistic director of the International Festival of Arts "Diaghilev. Post Scriptum". During this conference, she spoke in her lecture about the personality of Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev through the prism [...]

2211, 2021

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

November 22nd, 2021|Categories: Education in Russia, Science, Study Russian|

On November 24th 2021 the Russian House in Brussels hosted a meeting with the administration of the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University on its virtual platform.   As part of the Russian Education Explained project, students learned about educational programs available to foreign applicants at this largest educational, clinical and scientific medical center of the North-West of Russia.   The speakers of the live broadcast were:   [...]

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